Chapter 25

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On Monday, the first wave of serious pregnancy symptoms hit me. Mood swings. Normally morning sickness should be one of the defining signs for being pregnant, but for me it was pretty much anything would make me laugh or cry or angry.

But on Monday morning when I woke Avie up and she told me angrily she didn't want to go to school, I burst into tears and I had to go into the bedroom to get Rocky. "Baby," he looked up at me from shaving, "why are you crying?"

I sniffed and shook my head. "I don't know..." I whined. "Avie said she didn't wanna go to school and it was just really mean."

What the hell is wrong with you Juliette GROW UP, I thought to myself.

"Aw..." He sort of chuckled and went over to me to give me a hug. "It's okay baby. She's still going. I'll take care of it."

I composed myself and went to get Mason out of his crib. I grabbed him and brought him downstairs to get him his breakfast and made us some as well. I set out bagels and fresh fruit for everyone and began to make lunches as my two older kids came down stairs.

"Hey mom, how are you feeling?" Carter asked me.

"I'm alright, Carter boy, I just don't feel very well." I tousled his hair and he sat down for breakfast.

Avie came in hiding behind Rocky's pajama pants. "Avelyn has something she wants to say to you, mommy," Rocky told me.

"Mommy, I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"For?" Rocky asked.

"For yelling about not wanting to go to school."

"It's okay." I went over to her and took her hand. "I just need you to do as you're told and not get angry when you don't want something. Okay?"

"Yes Ma'am." She nodded her head at me and I gave her a short hug.

I stood up and Rocky brought me into his arms comfortingly. "I'll take them to school," he sighed into my ear and kissed me.

"Okay," I nodded to him. "That's fine with me."

After the kids finished breakfast Rocky took them to school as promised and I started cleaning up while brewing some -- now decaf -- coffee. Ryland wandered into the kitchen with no shirt on and waved to me. "Hey Jules." He looked at Mason and kissed the top of his head. "Hey Mase." He grabbed a bagel off of the table.

"Morning," I told him. "You're up early."

"I'm seeing an apartment today," he said to me.

"Oh really?" I narrowed my eyes. "I thought you had one already?"

"It fell through," he rubbed his eyes.

"And you didn't think to tell the people that you were living with?" I grew angry. Not now mood swings, not now.

"Well, I came in here to tell you now," he sounded nervous.

"That's not good enough, Ryland," I snapped at him and he grew shockingly quiet.

I cleaned up a bit and calmed myself down before looking up at him. "I really should have prefaced this conversation by saying my mood swings are really out of control..." I went over to him and brought him coffee. "Sorry."

"I mean, damn. That makes more sense," he sort of chuckled. "At least now I know not to be offended when you yell at me."

"Yeah," I laughed. "This morning I went in to wake up Avelyn, she yelled at me and I cried."

He started laughing and looked up at me. "Aw, poor little pregnant Jules."

"I guess..." I told him with a huff. "I hate it as much as everyone else in the house. Rocky especially."

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now