Chapter 4

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Rydel didn't even bother knocking on the door anymore. She had her own key, after all. Why disturb the family when she could just walk right in without making a fuss? I wouldn't have even known that she had arrived if it weren't for the squeaky door hinge we had neglected to fix. It screeched and echoed through the hallway, through the living room where I laid half asleep. Mason laid on my chest and there was a damp spot on my shirt from his drool. "Anyone home?" Rydel asked quietly as she poked her head into the doorway that separates the entry hallway with the living room.

Mason stirred and started to whine. "Oh hush," I told him with a small laugh. I rubbed his back in small circles but he wouldn't stop fussing. "Come on baby boy..."

"Hi Masey," Rydel cooed. She lifted the baby off of me so I could sit up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your nap." He immediately stopped whining when Rydel rocked him back and forth in her arms.

The screen on my phone read 2:45 in the afternoon, and there was a long page of missed notifications and texts. "No worries," I told her. "We overslept anyway. Plus we always love visits from Auntie Delly, isn't that right Mason?" He seemed content tugging at her shirt. "Did you bring the book?"

Rydel tapped the bag next to her with her foot. "Of course."

I reached down and into the bag, pulling out a pocket-sized book with a red cover. The title was written in black cursive: Thirty One Days of Love. On the back cover in slightly smaller letters it read: Has your romantic relationship fallen into a rut? In this book, we have provided thirty one different daily ways to keep the spark alive! "This is not what I expected," I laughed nervously, flipping through the pages.

"Scared?" she asked me.

I leaned my head on her shoulder. "Maybe. I don't know if this is going to work."

"You guys are going to be just fine, Juli." After a moment of silence, she perked up just a bit. "Hey, I have an idea. Do you guys have a babysitter?"

It never occurred to me. "You mean, outside of the family?" She nodded. "I guess we never really discussed it. We've always done everything ourselves. I don't know if I feel comfortable leaving my babies with a stranger."

"Honey," Rydel said with a small sigh. "You're going to need a sitter for some of the tasks in there. It's not so bad. I have just the girl for you. Talk it over with Rocky, of course, but I think it's worth a shot."

As if on cue, the front door opened once again and the noisy chaos was restored to our household. "Hi mom! Hi Del!" both Carter and Avie said in unison before pitter-pattering up the stairs.

Rocky dropped two backpacks onto the floor before joining us in the living room. "Hey sis," he said before leaning down to kiss the top of Mason's head. He then placed a sweet kiss on his sister's cheek. Then he turned his attention to me. "Hey baby," he smiled, pressing his lips against my own. I reached up and held onto the side of his face, and to my surprise the kiss lasted longer than they had been lately. "The kids' play date went well. What are you ladies up to?"

"I was just dropping off my magical book. Actually, I've stayed too long. I really need to get going." She quickly hugged the little boy before passing Mason into Rocky's arms and saying her goodbyes. "Let me know how that goes," she said to me with a wink before letting herself out.

Rocky got up and placed Mason on the floor and picked up the little red book that sat on the coffee table. He sat back down and curiously paged through it, making little noises in reaction to what he read. "Magic, huh?" he chuckled.

"Apparently," I laughed along with him. I tried to slide my arm behind him and hooked my other around his waist. It felt good to have him in my arms, and he didn't protest. "Ellington and Rydel used this book awhile back and she said it really helped. I know it's silly, but--"

"You don't have to convince me," he said. "If you want to give it a go, then so do I. I'm just a little confused about why my sister suddenly knows so much about our relationship" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, both of us watching our little boy play on his blanket. "So is this all you and my sister gossiped about?"

"She's my best friend," I laughed tiredly. "I tell her everything, and you know that. It's not gossip." I paused for a second, contemplating whether or not I should even mention Rydel's suggestion, which had been echoing in my mind. I decided that it couldn't hurt. "She did bring something interesting up, though."

"Hmm?" Rocky had his eyes closed now, leaning his head back against the couch cushions and savoring the rare silence that filled the house. Lately, the exhaustion just wasn't giving either of us a break.

My fingers ran along the side hem of his hoodie as I spoke. "She thinks we should get a babysitter." I looked up for a moment to gauge his reaction. His face was still, emotionless. "Someone who isn't family," I added.

That got his attention. "Why can't my parents watch them like they usually do? They don't mind. And it doesn't cost a thing."

"But do we really want to draw attention to the fact that we are...."

He opened his eyes and smiled down at me. "Aww, you don't want to worry them," he said with a sweet smile. "You are so adorable."

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. "Rydel said she has a girl in mind," I continued. "Please say you'll at least think about it."

"It's not completely out, let's just say that." Rocky was being so agreeable lately, and I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't feel like the fight was worth the effort, or if he was really trying to make everything work out. "It's too quiet..." he laughed after a moment.

"We better check on the kiddos, huh?" With that, we rushed to see what damage they had caused so far.

Lovesick -- A Rocky Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now