Busted: Kalin

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Your POV
I've noticed that Kalin has been out later and later with each passing night. I brushed it off for the first few nights but then he came home with lipstick all over his face and his clothes all banged up. I'll admit: I did question him a few times then I left it alone.

"Girl," y/f/n says while you're grabbing something to eat at the mall. "You can't just brush this off like it's nothing."
"Because it is nothing," I say.
"Y/N," y/f/n says. "This isn't normal. He comes home with banged up clothes and lipstick all over him? What the hell is up with that?"
"Probably ran into a fan."
"And that fan is now his side chick, who might just become his main chick or dead if I can help it."
"Can we not just talk about this?"
"We need to talk about this."
I sigh.
"I'm not saying you should stalk him," y/f/n continues,"but you could ask Myles and see if he knows anything."
"He's not gonna rat him out," I respond. "Jake's not either. They're too close."
"So basically you're screwed?" y/f/n says.
"Well what do you have in mind?"
Y/F/N thinks for a second then smirks at you.
"I have an idea," y/f/n says. "It's a little risky but if we do it right, then we might just be able to pull this off."
"Okay," I say smirking back. "What do we do?"

Later that night...
"I'm going out," Kalin says to me.
"Where?" I question.
Smart @$$

As soon as he's gone, I text y/f/n.

Me: he's gone
Bestie😉💁🏽: get ur butt out here b4 he leaves

I sneak out through the back door and run to the car parked nearby.
"Ready?" y/f/n asks.
"Ready," I reply. "Let's go."
We drive behind Kalin but not too close behind.
"I got a bat back there just in case we catch him," y/f/n informs you.
"What? Why would we-"
The car jerks to a halt. We stop around the corner from the studio. A girl walks up to Kalin and pecks his lips.
"Girl," I say. "I might need that bat."
"And some tissues," y/f/n replies. "There's some back there, too."
I stare as they walk in the studio together.
"Let's move out," y/f/n says.

We both get out the car and  jump into some bushes. Y/F/N has some headphones attached to a portable satellite.
"People still use those?" I ask.
"I still use this. My dad gave it to me and he got it from his dad."
"Shh. I'm getting something."
She's listening and her jaw drops.
"What?" I question.
I take the headphones off her and put them on me.
"Kalin stop!" the girl moaned.
"Oh hell no!" I exclaim.
"Call Myles."
I put Myles on speed dial as fast as possible. I'm crying in the phone telling him to come get me and to ask questions later. I cry on my friend's shoulder.
"I think I'm gonna need those tissues," I sobbed.
We walk back to the car and she grabs the tissues. I take the entire box. I was going to need it.

Myles pulls up ten minutes later and I climb in the car. I just sit there and cry like the world was ending.
"It's gonna be okay," Myles assures me while rubbing my thigh.
I cry harder. We race back to my house. I pack my things and fast. I don't even leave a note. I didn't have time for that. I climb out my window with my backpack on my back and a broken heart sinking inside of me. I cried until I fell asleep.

I wake up in a bedroom. It was still dark out. I look up and see Myles looking right at me. He was a little blurry. It was probably because of all the tears.
"Are you okay?" he asks softly.
"Kinda," I reply. "What time is it?"
"A little past twelve."
"Was that all a dream?"
"I wish I could say no."
I start crying again and Myles lays beside me. He wraps his arms around me.
"Everything is gonna be fine," Myles assures me.
I get up and change into my pjs. Myles leaves me alone and I go to sleep.

I was a hot mess. I cried, fell asleep, and repeated throughout the night. I eventually was able to get some real sleep when I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I crawl out of bed and crack the door open. It was Kalin yelling at Myles.
"Where is she?" Kalin was yelling.
"Why do you care?" Myles yells back. "You never loved her!"
They got louder and louder with each comeback. Then it got physical.

Kalin threw the first punch. They start rolling on the floor. Kalin was on top of Myles and punching him repeatedly. Myles was fighting back as hard as he could but was failing horribly. I scanned the room quickly and found a book as a weapon. Not the best weapon but not easily broken like a lamp. It looked hard enough, too.

I rush out the room and down the stairs and jump on Kalin. I ended up on his back and bashed against the wall multiple times. I hit him on the head with the book. Myles pulls me off Kalin. Kalin punches Myles square in his face. Myles stumbles back and falls to the floor.
"Myles!" I cried.
"What are you doing here?" Kalin asked me.
"You know why she's here," Myles says.
Myles was asking to get beat up again. He already had a black eye and a busted lip. I shot him a look but he kept going.
"You lied to her!" Myles yells. "You cheated on her! She didn't deserve that! You don't deserve her! All this girl did was try to love you and you didn't do anything show her that you loved her back! So stop playing dumb and get outta here!"
"You should go," I say calmly. "I'm sorry, Kalin, but I just can't do this anymore."
Hurt was written all over his face. He left without another word. I stared at him till he was out the door.

I go over to Myles and help him up.
"Thanks," I say to him.
"Anything for you," he replies with a smile.
We sit on the couch and cuddle for the rest of the morning.

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