Grandma's Little Devils: Jake and Myles

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Your POV
One day, you decide to go visit your grandmother. She is the one you go to for advice and to get away from your parents. She seems to be the only one who understands you.

You make it to your grandmother's house and ring the bell. A woman who you have never seen before opens the door.
"Uh hi," you say unsurely. "I'm must have come to the wrong-"
"Y/N!" your grandmother exclaims from inside.
"Well then never mind," you say.
The woman steps aside to let you in. Your grandmother greets you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Y/N," she begins,"this is my neighbor, Debbie."
"Hi there," you say extending your hand.
"Nice to meet you," Debbie replies while shaking your hand.

You hear shrieking coming from the front room all of a sudden.
"Not again," Debbie says under her breath irritably.
She speed walks down the corridor and you follow after her along with your grandmother.
You walk into the room and see two guys wrestling on the floor. It was more of a one way fight, though.
"Myles!" Debbie scolds. "Get off of Jake."

The Myles guy got off the other guy you were assuming was Jake.
"Sorry about those two," Debbie says apologetically to you.
Your grandmother snaps her attention to Myles and Jake.
"You two behave!" she scolds.
Jake and Myles look at you. They sat criss cross applesauce (Does anyone else still say this or is it just me?).
"Myles and Jake," your grandmother continues on,"this is Y/N. My granddaughter."
"Hi!" Jake says enthusiastically while giving a friendly wave.
Myles continues to stare at you with his mouth open slightly.
"I want you guys downstairs while we make dinner," your grandmother says and shoos you three out the front room.

We head downstairs and you sit in your favorite beanbag chair. Myles and Jake sit on the couch. You begin listening to music and playing on your phone.
"Hey Y/N," Jake says.
"Yeah?" you respond not looking up.
"Can we ask you a few questions?"
"Sure?" you say taking out my earbuds and looking up at them.
"How old are you?" Jake asks.
"Way too old for you," you respond. "Next."
"When's your birthday?"
"Jake," Myles says putting his hand on Jake's shoulder. "Let me. You might wanna cover your ears, though."

Jake covers his ears and starts saying "lalalala" really loud.
"A little quieter," Myles says shaking Jake a bit.
Jake nods and begins mumbling.
Myles turns his attention towards you.
"Are you a virgin?"
"Excuse me?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"How old are you?" you ask sounding deeply offended.
"Sixteen," he replies smirking.
Sh!t. That's how old I am.
"How old is he?" you ask pointing to a still mumbling Jake.
"Thirteen," Myles replies.
"You look eight and he looks seven," you say dully with a straight face.
"How dare you!" Myles exclaims putting his hand over his heart. "Jake." He lightly hits Mumbling Jake on the arm. Jake uncovers his ears. "Let's teach her a lesson."
They pound their fists in their hands.
Oh dear.

You begin to run and Jake tackles you. The next thing you know, you are taped to a chair. You were outnumbered the moment you started to run and lost a fight to a thirteen year old. Myles is a bad influence on him.
"You've done good Jake," Myles says patting him on the shoulder.
"I'll give you twent-thirty dollars if you let me go Jake," you plead.
"I'll give you fifty if you leave her alone," Myles says.
"One hundred!" you exclaim.
"One fifty and you can play with my phone," Myles offers.
"Two hundred and my life!"
"Hm," Jake says looking at us. "I like Myles' deal way better."
"NO!" you shriek.
Myles gives Jake his phone and earbuds. Jake goes into his wonderland while you go into the spiraling world of torture.

You get dragged into a big closet with no light. It was pitch black.
"Help!" you shout.
You feel Myles breathing on your neck which causes you to stop breathing. Myles starts to nibble on your ear. You breath in and out shakily. He kisses behind your ear and down to your neck. He finds your sweet spot and you refuse to let a moan slip through your lips. You were not going to let him have the satisfaction. You hear him come around in front of you. He moves hands slowly up your thighs. As he goes to unbutton your jeans, Jake shouts,"Dinner's ready!" God bless that boy's soul.
"We'll resume after dinner," Myles whispers seductively in your ear.

He sets you free and you dash out the closet. You walk up the stairs behind Myles.
"How were they?" Debbie asks you once you are at the top of the staircase.
"They were little angels," you lie with a grin.
"Oh great," Debbie says joyfully.
She walks into the kitchen and you give Jake and Myles "I'll make sure you are destroyed" look before going into the kitchen yourself.
What was going through my mind when I wrote this?😂


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