Kidnap Part 2: Expecting the Unexpected

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Three weeks later...
Your POV
I laid on the bathroom floor crying. I kept telling myself "this is all a dream" or "he wouldn't put me in this position." I was wrong. Kalin stayed with me after I got abducted by Myles. He refuses to talk to him, which is understandable, and is scared of me getting hurt or abducted again. Myles was pretty pissed when he found out Kalin was staying with me, though.
"Y/N," Kalin said on the other side of the door. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I sniffle.
"Can I come in?" he asks.

I fix myself and open the door. My eyes are still puffy and a bit watery.
"What's wrong?" Kalin asks me.
I never thought I would say this but...

"I'm pregnant," I respond.

Kalin's POV
"WHAT?!" I say angrily.
Y/N started crying and I pull her into a hug.
"Why me?" she wailed. "I didn't deserve this!"
I have reached my breaking point.
"Stay here," I tell y/n. "I'll be right back."
I begin to walk out.
"Where are you going?" Y/N asks in a shaky voice.
"Don't worry about it," I assure her. "I'll be back soon. I promise."

I race like madman over to Myles' house and bang on the door. Myles comes to open it after a minute or so. We just stare at each other once he opens it. I kept telling myself "Punch him and call it a day before y/n does something horrible to herself." That's what I did. Myles and I were soon rolling around in the front door. Jake came and separated us.
"I hope you're satisfied with what you did!" I yell.
"F*ck you man!" Myles yells back and slams the front door.
Jake leads me to my car.
"He is such an idiot I swear," I rant.
"I know," Jake responds in agreement. "Can I come with you?"
"Sure," I respond.

I drive back to y/n's house. When I entered, she wasn't anywhere to be found.
"Y/N?" I call out.
No response.
"Where is she?" Jake asked.
"I don't know!" I exclaim. "She was here when I left and told her to-"

Phone call. It was y/n...or so I thought.
"Hello? Y/N where are you?"
"SIKE!" a familiar voice exclaims.
"Myles!" I shout angrily. "What did you do to her? Where is she?"
He hangs up. I throw my phone on the couch in anger. I get a text message not too long after. My finger was shaking as I slid it open. It was a video of y/n. Jake and I watch it.
"'Kalin,'" she begins. "'I just wanted to say that *sniffle* I don't need you anymore. I love Myles and I will stay with him forever. We will have a great future together without you...'"

She was crying from the start and I knew she was being forced to say that. She also had her wrists tied. I had to find her. Wherever she is.
"I'll call him," Jake suggests.
Jake calls him and he doesn't respond. He tries again maybe five more times before Myles picks up.
"Jake what do you want?" Myles asks irritably.
"Where are you?" Jake asks.
"None of your business! Just have your a** at the house when I get there. I'm bringing y/n over. Don't tell Kalin."
I covered my mouth to keep myself from saying anything.
"Okay bye."
He hangs up.
"We gotta go now!" Jake says pulling me out the door.

We park about a block away from his house and walk the rest of the way. We sneak in through the window in Jake's room.
"Hide in here," Jake says pushing me in the closet.
He shuts the door behind me.

Jake's POV
I walk downstairs casually and sit on the couch. Myles was going to be here any moment. I don't understand why he has to be a dumba** twenty four seven and kidnap y/n. Kalin really likes her. He wants to be with her. Now that she's pregnant, anything can happen at this point.

The door opens and y/n comes in with her wrists tied. Her hair was a mess and she had bloodshot eyes.
"Take her to the guest room," Myles commands pushing her towards me.
"Okay," I respond nervously.
I walk upstairs with y/n in front of me.
"I'll be back," Myles says. "I'm going to get some food. Y/N is not allowed to leave the house or make any phone calls at all."
"Okay," I reply.

With Myles gone, I brought y/n to my room and opened my closet door to let Kalin out.
"Y/N!" he exclaims.
"Water," y/n gasps.
I rush downstairs and back to my room with a water bottle. I unscrew it and put the bottle in her mouth. After a moment, I take it out of her mouth.
"I wanna go home," she cries.
"Well Kalin's right here so-"
"You don't understand," y/n interrupts. "He said he'd kill me if I tried to run away again. He said he was gonna kill Kalin, too."
"He's insane!" Kalin exclaims.
"You think?" Jake responds.
"He had a switchblade," y/n gasps.
"Aren't those things illegal?" I ask.
"Who cares!" Kalin exclaims. "We just gotta get her out of here."
"Please no," y/n cries. "I don't wanna die."
"And your not," I assure her.

Fifteen minutes later...
Myles comes back with food.
"You did what I asked?" he asks.
I nod.
"Good," he says.
He goes upstairs to the guest bedroom. I text Kalin and follow Myles upstairs.
"What are you going to do to her?" I ask Myles.
Before Myles could finish his statement, Kalin cuts me off by running out my room and jumping on Myles. Myles pulls out a switchblade and Kalin knocks the blade out of Myles' hands. I run around them and into the guest room. I pick up y/n off the bed and carefully step around Kalin and Myles fighting. Myles grabs my leg and I fall to the floor. Y/N hits the floor with a loud thud and rolls out of my arms. She gets up and hops down the staircase.

Myles pushes Kalin off of him, grabs the switchblade, runs downstairs, and grabs y/n.
"Come any closer and she gets it!" he shouts holding the knife to y/n's throat. Tears began streaming down her face.
"Myles," I say. "Please don't do this."
"If I can't have her, nobody can!" he shouts.
"Myles look at yourself!" I exclaim. "You almost stabbed your best friend and threatened to kill him and y/n! What's the matter with you?!"
The knife comes closer to y/n's throat as she pulls away further, gasping.
"Don't do this," I say calmly. "Just let her go."
"I'm nothing without her," Myles claims.
"You are something Myles," Kalin said. "You just need to see and understand that."

The knife comes away y/n's throat. She hops away from Myles and towards Kalin and me. He slides to the floor and begins cutting himself slowly. I rush towards him, pull the knife away from him, and toss it across the room. He begins sobbing. Kalin escorts y/n out while I comfort Myles.
"Everything is gonna be okay," I tell him as he continues crying.
"I didn't mean to hurt her," he cries. "I really miss her, Jake."
"I know," I say. "I know."
Well then......

Edited 5/25/16-minor errors


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