Let's Play: Myles

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Myles' POV
"You coming to play practice later?" y/n asked me.
"If my mom doesn't find me first," I respond laughing.
Yes, I'm in the school play. Well not technically. I'm on stage crew with y/n. We both signed up and decided to do sound together. Jake is also on stage crew and he's the photographer. Kalin is in the cast. Of course his vocal skills got him one of the main roles.
"Good," y/n says. "It's not like you can ditch anyway because the show is this week and we need everyone on board."
"That's right! We have practice every day this week."
"Yeah. That's why you shouldn't leave me alone. Especially with the sound equipment."

The school day ends and I race to practice in the auditorium. Y/N is already there and changed. She has on sweatpants and a regular black shirt. I show up the same way.
"Relationship goals!" Jake shouts once I reach y/n.
"Shut up!" I exclaim.
I didn't like y/n like that. She was my friend. My best friend. I knew she felt the same way.
"We'll get him later," y/n assures me.
"Or now while the going's good," I say.
"We can wait."
"You can wait."
We laugh as we walk towards the stage. Y/N was trailing behind me.
"I'm sad," y/n whined.
"Why?" I ask.
"Your butt is bigger than mine," y/n says. "That is not okay."
I laugh.

At this point, she's a bit ahead of me. I smack her butt.
"My butt is not bigger than yours," I tell her.
"Alright the same size."
"Hey can you guys not?" Kalin said coming up behind us.
"Yeah no," y/n responds.
After a moment of silence, Kalin says, "Although, Myles' butt is a little bit bigger."
"BOI!" Y/N says jokingly mad.
Kalin and I crack up.
"Imma go get ready," Kalin says. "See you backstage in seven."
Kalin runs off while y/n and I run up on stage and get mics on everyone who needs them.

Kalin meets us in seven just like he said. We get his mic on and start rehearsal. I had the script in my hand and told y/n to cue up the music whenever a cue came up. The run through went smoothly.
"Everyone take five!" our play director called out.
Kalin jogs up to us. I toss him a water bottle.
"This play is going to be awesome," y/n says.

Friday night...
Y/N, Jake, and I walk straight into craziness.
"Does my hair look okay...I need someone to do my makeup...where's my brush...I can't find my costume..."
It was mass chaos. Everyone gets air headed the moment they get backstage for the first show.

Your POV
"I've been doing this for so long it's not even a surprise to me," I say.
"It is to me," Myles says beside me.
"You haven't been doing it long enough," I laughed.
"Whatever," Myles laughed back.

Myles and I position ourselves offstage by the sound system. We do mic checks. Kalin is pacing back and forth nervously.
"Kalin you're gonna be fine!" I tell him putting my hands on his shoulders.
"You sure?"
"Positive," Myles chimed in.
"Okay then Booty Squad. "
"Shut up and go sing!" I say.
"I'll go sing while you two twerk on each other," Kalin say jokingly.
"I don't know how to twerk!" Y/N says.
"You've got all that back there and you don't know how to use it?" Kalin questioned.
"That's the first time I've heard a girl admit that," Myles says smirking at me.

The lights dimmed.
"Places everyone!" the play director whisper-yelled.
Everyone scatters. Once the stage was cleared, the curtain opened.
"Break a leg," I tell Kalin as he walks out onto the stage. Not one error during the entire show. First show: success

Saturday evening...
Saturday's backstage drama wasn't as bad as Friday's but it was some new BS.
"Why is her makeup better than mine...I run this show...."
Really? That was only the beginning of malfunctions. The lights didn't seem to cooperate too well during the show and the sound system was all types of messed up. The curtains kept opening and/or closing at the wrong times. Myles and I got yelled out after the show for the sound but it wasn't as bad as the curtain people. The curtain people got roasted.
Second show: average minus all the complications.

Sunday afternoon...
Last show.
"Thank goodness this madness is almost over," I say.
"Says the girl who's used to this," Myles says.
"Even people who are used to this bull crap get sick of the drama," I respond.
Everything seemed to run smoothly until Manny, the director's assistant, came running up to Myles and me well after the play begins.
"We've got a problem," Manny says panting.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Chrissy is puking her guts out and her sub still needs to get into her costume."
Right. Chrissy has a main role too...and her cue is coming up.
"When did this happen?" Myles asks.
"Literally two minutes ago."
"So what do want us to do?" I ask.
"Y/N stall."

Chrissy's cue came up. I was pushed out on stage and blinded by bright lights. I was in my crew black with my black snapback on backwards and my hair down. Kalin was surprised to see me.
"What are you doing?" he whispered.
"Stalling. No time to explain."
I begin to recite Chrissy's lines as if I were actually practicing two to three months on this. I didn't have a mic. I didn't need one. I had a naturally loud voice. I knew all the stage exits and everything.
"You should've been on cast," Myles tells me after I get offstage and back to where I was before.
"True but I'm here with you, Poofy," I say messing with his hair.

At intermission, I smack his butt while we get ready for the second half.
"We've been going back and forth with that all week," Myles laughed.
"You started it," I say.
"You mentioned my butt being big."
"You smacked mine first."
"We're so weird."
"That's why you're my best friend."
"If I'm really are your best friend," Myles says crossing his arms,"will you come with me to jump on Jake?"
"Of course," I reply and we go hunt down Jake.
This one is kinda awkward but still sweet, right?


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