Oh Brother: Kalin

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Your POV
"How can anyone stand being around this a**hole?" You rant to your friend.

Your parents lost custody of you after they got caught up with the law, and you had to live with your brother Kalin.
"He never lets me do anything!" You continue on. "I don't know who's worse: my parents or him."
You sigh as you sit beside Y/F/N. Then, the front door opened downstairs.
"Y/N?" Kalin calls out.
"He's here!" you whisper urgently.

You and y/f/n tiptoe frantically around the room. You push y/f/n in your closet and shut the door. The bedroom door opens and you quickly lie in your bed with your back to the door.

"Y/N?" Kalin said. You roll over and look up at him. His presence just irritates you. "There's food downstairs if you're hungry."
"Okay," you say flatly. "I'll be down there in a minute."
"Okay," Kalin says. He walks out the room and back downstairs, leaving the door wide open.
"You could've closed the door," you grumble as you went to close it.
Kalin comes back a few seconds later.
"Myles is coming over later," he informs you. "Please don't do anything embarrassing or stupid."
"Whatever," you say irritably and shut the door in his face.

On the outside, you were irritated. On the inside, you were excited that Myles was coming over. He always brought you something and was super nice. You sometimes wish you had him as a brother rather than Kalin. Plus he was fine as hell. You were too young to date him, though.

You let y/f/n out the closet. She hacks loudly.
"You're closet smells," she croaks.
"Shut up or he'll-"
"Y/N, are you okay?" Kalin calls out from downstairs.
"Yeah," you say and start fake coughing.
"It's allergies," you state as you continue fake coughing.
You turn towards y/f/n.
"Could you not?" you snap quietly.
"Sorry," y/f/n whispers.
"Go out through the window, then run around and ring the doorbell," you tell y/f/n.
"Okay," y/f/n responds.

Y/F/N climbs out the window. You shut it, walk out your bedroom and downstairs. LaLa had already started eating her dinner and Kalin was nowhere in sight.
Maybe if I eat super fast, then I could-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it!" you call out.
You open the door and y/f/n is standing there with leaves in her hair.
"Sorry it took me so long," she said. "Kalin was outside and I had to hide."

You let y/f/n in and help her get all the leaves out of her hair. Kalin walks in not too long after.
"Hey y/f/n," he says.
"Sup," she replies.
"Why are there leaves in your hair?" he questioned.
"Oh I was hiding from my siblings and parents outside," y/f/n replied casually.
She was a great liar. You didn't know if Kalin could see through that mess, but he seemed convinced.

"You want some food?" you ask her.
"Is this a stupid question?" she responds. "Yes I do!"
You guys grab some plates and start eating.
"He bought Chinese for crying out loud, y/n!" y/f/n whisper-exclaimed. "I can't see why you hate him so much."

LaLa was in her own little world and didn't seem to care about what you guys were talking about. The doorbell rings again.
"I'll get it!" you and Kalin say at the same time.
You glare at each other and race towards the door. You got to it first and opened the door.
"Sup man," Kalin said to Myles.
"Sup," he said to him. He turns to you. "Hey y/n."
"Hey," you respond grinning.

You let him in and shut the door. Y/F/N drops her fork on her plate and her mouth slightly hung open. You could only imagine what was going through her mind right now. Myles didn't seem to notice, though. You walk back over to the kitchen and sit down next to y/f/n.
"Omg," she whispered to you excitedly. "How old is he?"
"Too old for you," you respond giggling.
Y/F/N pouts for a moment then returns to eating. Myles slides over next to you and taps your thigh under the table. You looked down at his hand and see a wad of cash!

"Oh my gosh!" you exclaim hugging him. "Thank you so much."
"No problem," he responds winking then getting back up.
You drag your friend upstairs with you and you guys count the money.
"Three hundred dollars?!" she exclaims. "Is he your sugar daddy or something?"
"You could say that," you respond. "He's just really nice."
"You think he'd give me some?" Y/F/N asks.
"He barely knows you so probably no," you respond.
"Whatever. I'll just steal some of yours."

Your bedroom door opens and you hide the cash under a pillow.
"You could knock," you say when you see who it is.
"You could not be so rude," Kalin mumbles.
"I'm not rude," you say. "I'm stating a fact. A growing girl needs her privacy. Plus it's common curtesy if you actually knew what any of that was."
"Okay just because I'm your brother doesn't mean you can sass off at me," he snaps. "I'm in charge of you and you have to listen to what I say."
"No I don't," you sass.
"Wow look at the time," your friend says looking at her phone. "I should go. I'll text you later."
"Bye," you say flatly as she dashes out the room.

You plop down on your bed with your arms crossed.
"What's the matter with you?" he asked irritated.
"You!" you snap. "You're the matter! Now leave!"
"What did I do?!"
"EVERYTHING! You left me and LaLa to pursue a music career and have us get abused for years. Then you have the audacity to not let me see my friends or go to parties or any of that! All I wanna do is be a normal teenager and you won't even let me do that!"
"Y/N you don't under-"
"I completely understand. You don't care about me. You're just like Mom and Dad."

Kalin's POV
You're just like Mom and Dad kept ringing in my head. I was nothing like them. They were alcoholics and druggies. All I'm trying to do is protect y/n and LaLa.
"Get out!" she screams. "I HATE YOU!"
That hurt.

I walk back downstairs.
"What's wrong?" Myles asks. "What happened?"
"Y/N happened," I respond falling on the couch.
"Is she mad at you?"
"Mad is probably an understatement," I respond. "Can you go talk to her? She'll listen to you."
Myles gets up and walks upstairs. LaLa comes up to me and asks,"What's wrong with y/n?"
"Nothing," I respond. "She's just a little upset. Give her some time to calm down."
"Okay," she responds and runs upstairs to her room.

Myles' POV
"Y/N?" I say opening the door. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she responds with her back to me.
She was curled up in a ball on her bed.
"I heard you and Kalin arguing."
"Don't even mention his name!" y/n snaps. "He can go to Hell."
"Don't say that," I say sitting down on her bed. "He really cares about you."
"Sure," y/n says sarcastically.
"He does. All he kept saying to me was that he had to find a way to get you and LaLa away from your parents. He wanted you to be safe."
"Why did he leave us then?" Y/N asks in quiet voice. "If he wanted us to be safe?"
"That I don't know," I respond honestly. "You should talk to him, though."

Y/ N rolls over and looks at me. Her eyes were red and puffy.
"Can you go get him?" she asks.
"Yeah of course," I respond.

Your POV
You run and jump into Kalin's arms the moment he enters the room.
"I'm so sorry," you cried into his shirt.
"It's okay," he says rubbing your back and stroking your hair.
"I've been such a jerk to you," you cry on. "Do you forgive me?"
"Of course I do," he responds. "I'll always keep you safe. Remember that."
"Okay," you respond.
Edited 5/4/16-grammatical errors and minor changes


Imagine: Kalin and MylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang