Love Has No Limits: Myles

316 6 14

You're fourteen. He's twenty three. You would think he'd never fall for you because of the nine year difference. You were wrong. When he kissed you, it wasn't because you were a fan and you wanted one. He meant it. He found a way to meet up with you whenever he could. When others saw you kissing him, they thought you were desperate and he was crazy. He was crazy...crazy in love with you. He'd do anything for you. You were gorgeous and more mature than most girls your age.

"I can't believe how cruel people can be," you say as you scroll through hate comments.
"Forget them," Myles tells you.
"What about all the things people say to you and about you on this?"
"I don't really care what they say," Myles says casually.
"I feel horrible," you tell him. "I must be ruining everything."
"Don't get so down on yourself, y/n. They don't matter. You matter. They can hate all they want, but that will never stop me from loving you or change the way I feel about you."

He leans and kisses you. You guys part and kiss again. This time more passionately. You were just another fan. He was just another rapper. Both of you together can conquer the world.
Second shortest imagine at a staggering 216 words. This love is illegal as heck tho😁😅 and this imagine was extremely sappy

*inserts the craziness* TURN UP! I'm so weird


Imagine: Kalin and MylesWhere stories live. Discover now