Abuse: Myles

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Your POV
You scream to the top of your lungs as Myles dumps icy cold water on you and whips you.
"SHUT UP B*TCH!" he shouts angrily.
You sat there in your bra and panties looking up at Myles innocently. You were shivering due to the water and had marks running up and down your back. You were trying to hold back tears.
"Are you f*cking serious right now?!" Myles asks infuriated. "You're gonna cry?"
You look up at him with tears in your eyes. Why did he have to be so cruel?
"Get up!" Myles demands.
You stand up and try hard not to fall. You were shaking violently.
"Go upstairs."
You turn around and walk up the stairs. Myles whips you again.
"Yes Papi," you respond quietly.
"Yes Papi," you say louder.
"That's what I thought."

You go upstairs and sit on the floor in the dark bedroom. Myles walks in a few minutes later wearing his boxers. He stands in front of you and looks down at you. You look up at him. He peels off his boxers to reveal his partner in crime.
"As punishment for trying to run away," he begins. "You suck it."
You look at it and back up at him.
"Please don't make me do this," you beg quietly.
He slaps you hard across your face.
"You should've thought twice before running," he said. "Now do it. Or do you want a harsher punishment?"
"No Papi."
"Alright then. Go."
You put the tip in your mouth and suck on it lightly.
"I've seen little kids suck on suckers harder than you," Myles insults. "Suck it slut!"
Instead, you squeeze his balls as hard as you can and run out the room.
"You wh*re! Get back here!"

You run out the front door and down the street screaming for help. You banged on door after door until someone finally answered. They let you in their house and you break down on the floor crying.
"Are you okay?"
You look up and see a guy with blond hair and bluish green eyes. His eyes were more on the blue side, though.
"Yeah," you respond. "I need to use your phone, ASAP."
The guy gives you his phone and you call Cam.
"Cam," you begin once he picks up. "I need you to come and get me."
"Sure," he replies. "Where are you?"
You ask the guy for his address and you give it to Cam.
"Does Myles know where you are?"
"Hell no!" you exclaim. "You're not telling him either."
"Alright," he says. "I'm on my way."
"Thanks. See you soon."

You hang up and give the guy back his phone.
"Thank you," you say. "What's your name by the way?"
"Jack," he replies.
"Well thanks Jack," you say to him.
"You're welcome," he replies grinning.
You grin back at him.
"Let me get you a blanket," he says.
He walks into a room and comes out a moment later with a blanket. He wraps it around you.
"What happened?" Jack asks.
You explain your entire story about how Myles started to abuse you. You guys were dating at first. Then, you threatened to leave him after he got into fight while at a party one night.
"Something snapped inside of him," you finish off,"and I was stuck with him."
"Does that explain the marks all over your back?" Jack asks.
"Yeah," you respond trying not to cry. "He's probably gonna kill me once he finds me."
"Not if I can help it," Jack says. "Why don't you just call the police?"
"That's worse than not telling them," you reply. "Myles will hunt me down."

Someone rings the doorbell.
"I got it," Jack said.
He looks through the peephole.
"What does Cam look like?" he asks.
"A bit on the Asian side," you reply. "Why?"
"I think this is him," Jack replies.
"Okay," you say getting up.
Jack opens the door and there stands Cam.
"Hey," you say to him.
"Hey little sis," he replies. "You ready?"
"Yeah," you respond.
"You guys are related?" Jack questioned.
"No," you say smiling. "We just play around."
"Thanks for keeping her here," Cam says to Jack.
"No problem," Jack replies smiling.
"Bye," you say to Jack.
"Bye," Jack says. "You can keep the blanket."
"Thanks," you respond.

Jack closes the door and Cam leads you to the car. He opens the door for you and you climb in. He gets in on the driver side.

Cam's POV
"Why doesn't Myles know where you are?" I ask.
"Um," y/n stammers.
She starts crying.
"Did he hurt you? Do I need to beat his a**? What's happening, y/n?!"
"He's abusing me!" y/n blurted out.
"Oh I'm definitely beating his-"
"Please don't say anything!" Y/N begs. "He already punished me for running away today."
"What was the punishment?" I ask feeling my blood pressure rise.
"I had to suck his stuff," y/n responds.
"So how did you end up at that guy's house, then?"
"I squeezed his balls as hard as I could and ran."
"Smart," I reply. "Well, you can stay with me for a while. I have some clothes you can wear."

It was quiet for a moment.
"How long has this been going on?" I ask breaking the silence.
"A few months now," she responds.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared," y/n says. "Myles said he'd kill me."
"We'll deal with him later. Right now, we need to get you in some warm clothes"

We make it to my place and I toss y/n some sweatpants and a regular shirt.
"Thanks," she says grinning.
"You're welcome."
"Can I sleep with you?"
I lead y/n to my room. We both climb in and I wrap my arms around her.
"Goodnight lil sis."
"Goodnight big bro."
"I love you."
There were a few seconds of silence before y/n said,"I love you, too."
Someone needs to teach her what real love is. I'm going to be the one to do so.

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