Runaway Love Part 2: Proposal

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Might as well stretch it out😏
A few months later...
Kalin's POV
I really want to make Y/N part of my future along with Aria. I moved back in with Y/N so I could be a part of my daughter's life and hers.
"Daddy!" Aria exclaims. "I'm hungry!"

I was planning on proposing to Y/N tonight. I decided to do it over dinner. Aria somehow found out and I told her I would do whatever she wanted me to do so she would stay quiet.

"What do you want?" I ask.
"I want a sandwich!"
"You just had one!" Y/N says coming downstairs. "You asked me to make you one earlier."
"Busted," I whisper to myself.
Aria pouts and crosses her arms.
"She's a growing girl," I tell Y/N.
"I can see that," she says. "She's also trying to outwit her mom."
Aria smiles. She had a cheesy smile like yours truly.
"You're no fun," I joke.
"You didn't think that last night," Y/N responds winking.
"What happened last night?" Aria asked.
"Nothing!" Y/N and I respond in unison.
"I'm going to get dressed," Y/N said going upstairs.

I look at the time. It is six fifteen. I better get ready, too.

Thirty minutes later...
"Mommy! Daddy!" Aria exclaims.
"We're coming Ari!" I call out.
Y/N and I descend from the staircase. We walk out the door behind Aria. I drive us to the restaurant. We get there and wait for our table.
"When are you going to do it?" Aria whispered to me.
"Be patient," I respond. "Timing is everything."
"Okay," she says happily.

Aria's POV (this should be cute)
Daddy was going to ask Mommy to be with her forever and ever. Is this a fairytale because if it is, I'm living in it. My dream come true. I've always wanted to be in a fairytale! Mostly like Jasmine from Aladdin. I want a tiger as pet like her but I know Mommy won't get me one. Daddy will for sure. If he doesn't, I'll get one when the I'm older. I can wait.

Dinner couldn't have gone any slower! We finished eating and I was really sleepy. I almost fell asleep when Daddy shook me. He looked at me and smiled. It was time! This is so exciting! He took out a small box that was wrapped up. He pushes it across the table. Mommy looked up and saw it. Her eyes got really big. She unwrapped it. I swear it was in slow motion. Say yes, take the ring, and let's eat some cake!

Mommy opened the box and covered her mouth. Tears came out of her eyes as she came over the table and kissed Daddy on the lips over and over.
"EWW!" I shout and cover my eyes.
Mommy and Daddy laugh and I just sit there in sadness that I had to see that. On the bright side, we can be a family again!
I should turn this into a book. Another story I'm probs NOT gonna update😂


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