Wasted: Myles

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Your POV
Myles has had a drinking problem lately and you taking him to the club was the worst idea you could have ever come up with. You were designated driver and he was free to get drunk. Too drunk. He was slurring so much, you didn't know if he was sucking in spit or actually talking.

You finally get home and get him into bed.
"Finally," you say to yourself while plopping down on the couch.
Go to sleep already!
"Yes Myles?"
He began slurring again.
You move from your comfortable spot on the couch and go see what was going on upstairs.
"What do you want?" you ask irritably.
He slurs.
"YOU!" he growls.

It was dark and you couldn't see him coming towards you and pinning you to the wall.
"Myles let me go!" you say trying to break free.
He licks your cheek.
"EWW! MYLES!" you scream.
"What?" he asks confused.
"You just ew!" you respond pushing him off you. "Go to sleep!"
You walk out and he grabs your wrist. He pulls you back into the room and shuts the door. He throws you on the bed and starts feeling you. You shut your eyes tight and take deep breaths in and out as your body tenses up. Your heart beat quickens. You start to break out in a sweat. Myles disappears into the darkness.

You get up and make a break for the door to get out the room. You're at the door when you get your head banged against the wall. You stumble and fall to the floor. You're unconscious.

Next morning...
You wake up and Myles is nowhere to be found in the room. Your clothes weren't to be found on you either.
What happened?
"Myles?" you call out.
No answer.

You put on your clothes swiftly and tiptoe downstairs. Myles was drinking again.
Oh boy.
"Myles it's like nine o'clock in the morning," you say.
"Okay and?" Myles sassed.
You snatch the bottle out of his hand. You pour the remains of the drink in the sink and dump the bottle in the recycling bin.
"What gives?"
"Your drinking problem is becoming my problem and I already got enough problems to worry about."
"You're saying I don't have problems, too?"

You make your way upstairs.
"You got a lot of nerve," Myles mutters loud enough for you to hear.
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"You're always complaining about me when there are clearly more things to worry about! Like about the fact that I don't give a damn about what you think about me and my drinking."

You slowly turn around.
Now he's the one who's got a lot of nerve.
"You gone wish you cared because I want you out of here!"
"You're kicking me out?"
"Nah I'm just sending you off to go drink some more," you reply sarcastically. "YES I'M KICKING YOU OUT!"

Myles' POV
"I'm not going anywhere!" I yell at y/n.
"Oh yes the hell you are!" y/n snaps. "Either you leave this house and get it together or I leave yo @$$. Pick your choice."
With that, y/n stomps upstairs and slams the door. I chase after her. I try to open the door, but it's locked.
"Get out!" she screams from the room.

I bang on the door and it swings open.
"I said get out!" she yells in my face.
That's it! She literally throws the door shut but I stop it with my foot. I kick the door open and grab y/n by her shoulders.
"YOU'RE NOT GONNA TREAT ME ANY TYPE OF WAY BECAUSE YOU FEEL LIKE IT!" I yell while pushing her on the floor. She gets up and looks me dead in my eyes. She had two choice words and I was all over her. I slapped her and threw her against the wall. She jumps on my back and pulls my hair. "AHHH!"

I bang her against the walls to get her off me. When she finally did get off me, she fell on the floor. She got right back up.
This girl doesn't know when to quit.
She runs towards me and I lift her over my shoulder. I drop her purposely and she lands with a very loud thud. I think she came down head first. She was rolling around on the floor holding her head.

I was about to finish her off when Kalin came running in and held me back.

Kalin's POV
"Man what are you doing?" I asked Myles.
All I heard was a loud thud when I came in. I ran upstairs and Y/N was on the floor all beat up and holding her head.
"Kalin," she yelped.
"What is going on?"
"He-" y/n began pointing weakly at Myles.
Before she could finish her sentence, she dropped her arm and her eyes closed slowly.
"Y/N?" Myles said quietly. He got louder and louder. "Y/N! Y/N!! Y/N!!! Oh my gosh what have I done?!"
"What did you do?!" I asked urgently.
He sounded like a broken record.
"Speak English!"
"We got into a fight and she was mad and I was mad then everything got out of control. Will she be okay?"
Y/N lets out a groan. I cradle her head in my arms. She slowly opens her eyes.
"Kalin?" she said weakly.
"Yeah it's me," I say calmly.

She tries to raise her head but shrieks in pain. I look at Myles.
"Well don't just stand there!" I snap. "Get an ice pack or something!"
Myles runs out.
"What happened?" y/n groans.
"I don't know to be honest with you," I reply.

Myles comes back with a bag of ice and a towel. I take the items. I wrap the towel around the ice bag and put it on y/n's head. I help her up and laid her in bed.
"You should rest," I tell her.
"You," I say pointing to Myles,"talk to her."

Myles hesitated then made his way over y/n.
"Y/N," he says.
"Get away from me," she gasps.
"It's okay," I say coming over.
She looks at me with pleading eyes then back at Myles.
"Look I'm sorry," Myles says. "You can hate me all you want for what I did but I just want you to know that I didn't mean any harm. At the end of the day, I still love you. We may fight and argue but that's part of every relationship."
"I don't think this fight should have been," Kalin said.
"Shut up," I say.
Y/N smiles a bit.
"All I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry and I'll try to change my ways."
"I'm sorry too," y/n says.
Myles bends down to hug her.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll see you later."
"See ya!" Myles says.
"Bye," y/n says. "Thanks."
"No problem."
Edited 5/26/16-major grammatical errors😁

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