Chapter 6

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Chapter Dedication to Glafabicorn for spamming my feed with likes and comments on this story xD

THANKS SO MUCH. Means more than you think :)


Chapter 6

Taryn's POV

"Who's that?" Ashton asked, nudging his head at Niall as he wrapped both his arms around me.

I kept my face buried on Ashton's chest as he kept a tight grip around me.

I hear Niall sigh behind me.

"Come on Taryn. Let's just go home." he blurted out as I hear him walk towards us.

"Woah man. Stay there. Who are you?" Ashton said protectively.

"Question is, who are YOU?" Niall hissed, i can hear the anger and frustration in his voice.

"I'm.. I'm his boyfriend, Ashton." He exclaimed. My eyes widens, still buried on his chest as his grip around me tightened a little more.

"I..Uh.." Niall stuttered 

"Very funny Ashton." I fake chuckled as I look up at him. "Your a great friend. But it's okay. You don't have to lie. He's.. uh.. That's Niall, one of my... friends."

"Oh okay good. I thought he was some creepy guy hitting on you. I though I had to act like a protective boyfriend." He laughed.

I glanced at Niall for less than a second, he was just awkwardly standing there, looking down at his shoes.

"Actually, you look like someone man!" Ashton pondered... "You're from that band! That band from the UK right?" He asked.

"Yep." I answered for him. "Well, gotta go. See you tomorrow at school. Thanks again."

"Anytime Taryn." He smiled.

"Call me TJ." I chuckled as I started walking towards the house. Niall followed me a few metres behind.

We got back and I walked straight up to my room, ignoring the other boys. A few moments later, there was a knock which I ignored. The door then opened slightly and Harry poked his head out.

"I don't wanna see you right now." I said in pure disgust.

Harry sighed and walked in completely, closing the door behind him.

"Just so you know, Niall originally had my phone when you texted that. I saw the text right after he stormed out the house" He explained sadly.

I ran towards the curly haired dude and hugged him. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Not your fault." he croaked.

"Not yours either." I mumbled.

The door then opened slighlty again and Niall walks in. "Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?" he asks me.

"No." I shook my head as Harry pushed me behind him to protect me from Niall.

"Please TJ. Just let me explain." Niall begged, only this time there were tears running down his face.

I shook my head no.

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