Chapter 15

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Chapter Dedication to: mkfar101

THANKS for reading and voting and commenting on all of my books.

It means A LOT :) xx


Chapter 15


Taryn's POV

"I'm leaving to Australia in 3 days."

"THREE DAYS?! You didn't even bother telling me?!" I screamed.

He's leaving me. Just like what Niall did. Except this is worst, because I wasn't prepared for it. He never told me anything about leaving to Australia in THREE Freakin days!

"I'm joining my friend's band.. You know I love music, just like you. You gotta understand." he sobbed.

"I understand that you're chasing your dreams, I just don't understand WHY you didn't tell me! 3 fucking days Ashton, you're gone in 3 days!" I said, pushing him away from me.

"Please Taryn, forgive me. I love you so much." He pleaded, tears coming out of his eyes uncontrollably 

"Just when I thought I had someone with me." I chuckled dryly. "Leave. I don't wanna see or hear from you. We're done."

"Taryn, don't be like that! Just hear me out please!" He begged.

"This is worse than what Niall did, I got 2 months to prepare for it. You? You just told me, 3 days before you leave. So fucking selfish Ashton." I shook my head, there wasn't any tears coming out of my eyes anymore because I've been crying alot.

"Please I'm sorry Taryn. Don't do this. I love you so much" He begged as I dragged him towards the door.

"I love you too Ashton but this is for the best...." I said as I opened the door and pushed him out. "Goodbye."

I closed the door and slowly sat on the floor, leaning on the door. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged it, burying my face down while I cry silently.

Everything's been too much for me to handle. One Direction being in the same house as me for God know how many months. Ashton leaving. Me figuring out what to do with my life.

I don't think I can do this anymore. 

I wiped away the tears on my cheeks and walked towards the drawer and pulled out a razor. I grabbed it and sat down on my bed. I just stared at the razor in my hand and my other arm. Am I really gonna do this? I give up.

I held the razor close to my other arms and took a deep breathe, closing my eyes shut when the door bursts open.

"JANE! NO!" The voice screamed as he ran towards me and swat the razor off of my hands.

"Please, I'm just so tired of everything." I cried hard on his chest as he held me tight close to him.

"Please don't say that. I'm here for you" He sobbed silently.

"Everyone keeps leaving me. I just want to be the one who leaves now." I sobbed harder.

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