Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Simon's POV

I was walking towards TJ's bedroom to go check on her and Ashton when I saw Harry with his head sticked to the door.

"Harry Styles! What are you doing?!" I frowned.

"shhh. listen." he whispered.

I walked over to the door and did the same thing. Eavesdropping is never good.

They were talking about what Liam told Ashton on how she was in a bike accident that's why she had the cuts and bruises around her body. I was about to pull away from the door when she said horrible things that someone told her.

"She said that you and Niall and well pretty much everyone else in this world just feels bad for me because I'm a nobody, a waste of air. That's why you put up with me and befriend me. She said that my Dad only wanted me for my potential that once he got the money from my talent, he'll leave me just like Marcus."

Me and Harry exchanged glances as I frowned. I balled up my fists, trying to calm myself down.

"She told me that my mom just drugged dad and ended up getting pregnant, that I'm a mistake. She told me that she's gonna kill me if I stay close with Niall. Heck, I was dating Niall, they didn't know. If they knew, i'd be dead right now. I don't wanna die. Not yet, I just got reunited with my father. I want more time with him. Time with him is all I ask for." she paused for a second, probably to catch her breathe.

"And he's barely here because of work. I don't mind that though, He's not used to having someone wait for him to come home, I don't want him changing or quitting his work because of me. But Ashton, It's hard. After hearing all those It made me wonder WHY I'm still alive."

That was enough, I've heard enough. More than enough. None of it was true. She is my world now, and the fact that she lied to everyone and broke up with Niall just to have more time with me was just heartbreaking. She's getting threatened for being with Niall when all she wanted was more time to spend with me while I go around the country for my job, leaving her here alone with the boys.

Harry then opened the door and whined. I was too upset to even process what was going on. All I knew was I walked in her room and asked Harry and Ashton to give us a moment alone. Once they left, I quickly ran to my daughter and hugged her tight. As tight as I can, She literally is my everything right now. She's my world, i'll give up my work for her. The fame, money, everything, to be with my little girl.

Taryn's POV

I hugged him back, as tight as he was hugging. I never felt soo protected and loved in a while. Not since my mom was rushed to the hospital. Dad was like the missing piece inside me, that piece that I needed to feel true joy.

"I love you soo much sweetie. Don't believe what that girl said, you're with me because I love you. Even if you weren't talented I'd still love you." he said.

I pushed him away a little, "Is it true daddy? Did mom really drugged you and got pregnant? That I'm a mistake?" I cried.

"Sweetie, Listen." He said as we both sat down my bed. "I'm not even gonna lie to you. Yes, I was drugged by a woman and I got her pregnant that night"

Long Lost CowellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora