Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Niall's POV

*3 weeks later*

"Niall, mate. You don't need all these! Just ask her normally and she'll for sure say yes!" Harry groaned while trying to set up the flowers.

"I want it to be perfect! I want everything to be perfect because it will mean everything if she says yes!" I said nervously.

"Don't worry. I know my daughter, she loves you very much." Uncle Si smiled.

"Oh Uncle Si! I cannot wait to finally meet your daughter!" Danielle thrilled.

"Yeah. We were supposed to meet her 2 years ago but this doofus hurt her." El joked as she playfully punched Niall's arm.

"Zayn told me alot about her." Perrie added.

"Yeah." Danielle and Eleanor nodded.

"Oh, you're gonna LOVE her!" I butted in, emphasizing the word 'Love'

" 'course they will! She's as crazy as Louis." Liam laughed.

"Oh God. I think I like her already and I haven't even met her." Eleanor chuckled.

I started throwing some flower petals on the ground when I felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Oh hey mate! What's up?" I smiled.

"Does she... Does she still hate me?" Ashton croaked out.

"No man. She can never hate you. You're her bestfriend." I smiled as I hugged him.

"Alright. Hopefully she doesn't." He sighed.

"Mate, you guys text each other almost everyday. I'm sure she doesn't hate you." I chuckled.

"Well, texting and talking face to face is different... But you have a point. Thank man! Best of luck tonight." He said, shaking my hand.

"Thanks man." i nodded.

5 hours later

"GUYS! SHE SHOULD BE HERE ANY MINUTE NOW." I screamed as people started going to their places.

"Good luck man." Josh patted my shoulder before heading to his drumkit.

Everyone stood on their places and it was dead silent. Until a voice started echoing in the venue.

"Hellooo? Anybody here?" A voice asked "I think I'm in the wrong place." it mumbled.

Seconds later, TJ walks in with Ashton and he escorted her to her seat. People hugging her on her way.

Taryn's POV

I woke up this morning with a empty house. No Dad, no boys, no one. I found a note on the fridge saying:

Meet at 7653-03 Corner Avenue at 4pm. xx

- Niall 

+ Louis is awesome, Liam, Harry, Zayn and THE Simon Cowell.

I chuckled at how childing Louis is, how he sharpied their names at the bottom of the Niall's letter. I walked around town to kill time and decided to buy a nice dress for tonight, I don't know what the ocassion is so I'm just bought a simple dress, not too casual but it looks nice. I got home and I have 2 more hours till the meet up.

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