Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

--2 years later--

Taryn's POV

"Congratulations Taryn! You're officially out of highschool!" Dad cheered 

"Thankss! Soo glad I'm done." I smiled as I hugged him.

"TJ! Congratulations babe!" My loving boyfriend screamed, surprising me from behind as he came over to me and hugged me.

"Wouldn't have done it if you weren't here with me the whole time. I probably would have killed myself as soon I stepped back into those doors. Never really got the chance to Thank you... Soo, Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. I love you soo much Ashton." I confessed.

"Aw sweetcheeks, you're absolutely welcome." He smiled as he leaned in to kiss me.

My dad then cleared his throat "No PDAs please. Let's just head home. Ashton, wanna join us tonight?"

"Yeah, let me just go ask my mom." He nodded as he left to find his mom.

"So it's a yes then." Dad sighed..

"Aw cheerup Dad. The woman's got a crush on you for years now. Give her a chance." I joked.

"I'd rather not." He fake gagged

"That's not nice!" I said, playfully punching his arm.

Okay so here's a recap over the past 2 years. I never heard from him after the airport. Not a single tweet, message, NOTHING. I barely talked to the other boys but kept in good touch with Harry. Ashton asked me out around a year ago, when I was at my worst state.

You see, I got depressed when Niall didn't call me or whatsoever. I didn't eat for weeks, barely drink anything. My dad hired a personal nurse for me, but I still didn't budge. Then Ashton started coming over more frequently. And slowly got me to do things I have not done in weeks. Small but meaningful stuff like talk to people, eat and well just come out of my bedroom.

When I was on my way to recovery, he asked me out and promised to stay with me through my thick and thin, which he did. He was the one there for me when I needed someone the most. Him and my Dad. They were the only ones who didn't abandonded me. 

Well, maybe Harry too? I mean he did suggested on visiting me when the band was here. But I told him to not even dare. Why? I don't wanna see Niall. I was in a horrible state. I looked like anorexic, like a walking skeleton. So I had to say no. I didn't want them to see me like this.

That's also what I loved about Ashton. Even though I looked horribly horrible, he still loved me. Now that I'm as healthy as him, he still loves me.

All of those are past now. Being friends with all of the 1D boys, being together with Niall and him promising to wait for me when he failed to stay in touch or atleast reply to my messages. It's all done. I'm living a new chapter of my life. He's just not a part of it.

"Deep thoughts you're in my princess." My Dad interrupted as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah.." I nervously chuckled.

"What are you thinking about?" 

"Me.Us. The past 2 years. Them." I shrugged.

"Ah. I see. Don't worry, I can assure you they're all doing fine." He smiled.

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