Chapter 26

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Chapter 26



Taryn's POV

After walking around with the two nutheads, I actually forgot all of my problems back in the hotel. They can really just turn that frown upside down. I mean, two idiots combined together! Come on, gotta admit that they can do pretty stupid but hilarious stuff.

We walked back to the hotel and they protected me from the fans waiting outside in the lobby. We ignored all of their comments and went straight to the elevator.

"I don't like your fans, guys." I pouted

"Sorry. There are nicer ones, I promise you that." Ashton grinned.

"You gotta go talk to him soon you know." Harry sighed.

"I choose soon." I huffed.

"You're being a wee bit stubborn, my friend." Ashton snickered.

"Well, he's a cheating asshole. I think he deserves it." I shrugged.

The elevator dinged and we got out on the 6th floor and all the crew were running around.

"What is going on in here?!" I asked the two boys standing beside me.

"I just got here, I'm as clueless as you dear." Harry shrugged.

Suddenly, Paul ran to us.


"N-no. W-we just g-got b-back fro-om w-walking." Ashton gulped, he was petrified!

"Okay, go to TJ's bedroom now and STAY there." Paul instructed.

The three of us sprinted to mine and Harry's bedroom and locked the door behind us.

"Oh hey guys." A voice behind us say.

The three of us turned around, still panthing.

Everyone was here.. Including him. UGH.

"What are you all doing here?" I frowned.

"Paul." Liam shrugged.

"What happened out there?" Harry asked.

"I think it was some crazy dude coming up here to kill us and he stabbed one of the crew." Louis sighed.

"Oh my God. Which crew?! Are they okay? Did you get him?" I babbled.

"Tom. He's okay, it was just on the leg. Just need a couple of stitch." Niall answered.

I nodded and went straight to the kitchen part of my suite.

I sat on the stool and laid my head down on the island.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I heard them fill a glass with what I assume was water and felt the stool next to me move as if someone sat down.

I looked up and saw blonde hair.

"not right now." I groaned.

"Do you.. Do you really hate me?" He asked nervously.

"Fucking hell yeah." I hissed.

"J-just let me explain." He said shakily

"Even if i let you explain, I don't think I can be with you. I've given you enough chances." I sighed.

"It's a decision! Just give me a chance"

"I already did! A lot of times!!" I screamed.

Niall sighed and stood up, pulling something out of his back pocket.

It was a silver necklace chain. The pendant was the promise ring he gave me.

"Just please keep this." He sniffed, trying to hold back the tears.

I just sat there, frozen. Unable to process anything at the moment.

He bit his lip and set the necklace on the island, right beside my hand and left the room.

I just stared at the necklace. Should I keep it? Or should I give it back to him?

I grabbed the necklace by reflex and stared at the ring.

Tears started falling out of my eyes. It' just stunning.

I miss wearing it, I miss being his, I miss my Niall.

But I have to move on.

I grabbed the chain of the necklace and unclasped it.

I put it around my neck and clasped it back on.

I looked at my chest, and the ring looks perfect. 

But I can't risk him seeing it. So I hid it under my shirt since the chain is long enough.

Why does life have to be so confusing?

I want him back, but at the same time I don't.



 Okay so, now we know that TJ still does love him.

But why can't she just go back to him?


More dramas coming soon.




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