chapter 3, nightmares

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You were in a dark room, nothing but darkness and silence. You called out, "Hello?"

No answer. You called out louder "Hello!?"

Still, no answer. You called out one last time, "Is anyone here?"

You heard a creepy, snake-like voice respond.

"Hello dear," it was a soft but sicking voice going into your right ear.

You whipped around to face a man who was tall, had pale skin, and a creepy smirk on his face.

"It seems you survived that blow to the head, I guess you're much stronger than I thought," he said a little disappointed.

You were still confused about every word that left his mouth.

"What blows to the head?! I don't know you, I don't know who (Y/N) is, I don't know anything, so what are you talking about?!" You yelled at him angerly as you began to sob.

His smirk grew into a grin as he watched you begin to cry.

"Oh dear, I would explain, but I have to eliminate you, so it would just be a waste of time," he said

"Eliminate?" you asked while wiping the tears from your face.

His smirk grew and he began to laugh evilly. You began to run into the darkness, you looked back and he was walking towards you. Top speed, as fast as possible, but he kept getting closer and closer. You kept running until your legs starting giving out. You fell to your knees and you felt yourself being lifted up by your shirt. Snake-like eyes met yours as he forcefully yanked you up. He threw you into what seemed like a bottomless pit. You screamed "HELP!!" as loud as possible.

"(Y/N)!" You heard as you continued to holler.

You stopped yelling, "Kakashi?" you asked began to feel the slightest bit safe by just hearing his voice.

You snapped your eyes open to find yourself being held by large hands. You looked up to see Kakashi holding you, just inches above the floor. You looked at him and a sigh of relief came from him.

"That was close," he said

He picked you up and placed you back on your comfortable bed.

"You may have lost your memory, but you still haven't lost your habits," he said jokingly.

He began to walk away, but you grabbed his wrist. He turned around and looked at you. You looked at him with fear written all over your face.

"Please stay," you said fearfully.

He studied your face for a second. You became embarrassed and let go of him.

"I'm sorry, just forget it," you said as you turned over in your bed.

Tears began forming in your eyes one slowly crawled down your face. The other side of the bed sank down. You looked over to Kakashi lying in the bed, propped up on the bed frame and reading his orange book. No words needed to be said, he smiled and you returned it. Rolling over again you went back to sleep, knowing you were okay, for now. You woke up again, but Kakashi was not there. Hopping out of your bed you went over to your drawer. You picked out a low cut (F/C) blouse that hugged your skin, along with some black leggings. You put on your outfit and walked out of your room to see Kakashi sitting on his couch with his book.

"You're awake," he said with a closed eye smile.

"Yeah, I just woke up," you said cheerfully.

You didn't feel hungry, but your stomach said otherwise as it let out a loud growl.

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionWhere stories live. Discover now