Chapter 18, Flashback 11. From what he saw

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(This is from Kakashi's POV)

I was walking back with Guy. We were walking to the park which had a steep hill leading to it. I just needed to walk and think for a while. The mission turned out to be a dud. I was actually kind of disapointed. I've needed some time to focus on something other than (Y/N) and Codi. I feel like I should be mad at Codi, but in reality, if he had enough guts to ask her out before I could confess, it was my own fault for not acting fast enough. I would confess now but I have multiple reasons why I can't.

First of all, if I told her now, I would just seem jealous of her focasing on Codi rather than me, which I guess is kinda true.

Second of all, she's my best friend, and I wouldn't want to make her feel awkward around me if she didnt share my feelings.

And... well, she's probably better off with Codi honestly. He's good looking, he seems nice and he makes her happy, and that good with me. If she is happy, than so am I. But Codi just makes me feel strange. His behavior is just... wrong. Its probably just my jealousy of her not spending as much time around me. But still, its just not right...

I was in deep thought when Guy elbowed me extreamly hard in my abdomen. I was slightly annoyed at this

"What the hell was that for?" I asked, expressing my annoyance

He shined his big pearly white teeth

"Come on Kakashi, You've been acting grumpier than an old cat who didn't catch his daily mouse lately; lets do something fun" he said as he gave me the big thumbs up

"I'm not feeling great right now Guy. I dont feel like doing anything 'fun'" I said, hoping he would just drop it and go away

But of course not; Its Guy, why would I expect him to do that. He grabbed my head and practically smashed it against his

"Awe come on Kakashi, quit acting like that old man that yells at everyone and have some fun. Look! You're already showing a few gray hairs!" he said and pointed at my head which yes, I know is full of gray hairs

I growled in annoyance

"Must you always blame my grumpiness on the colour of my hair?" I asked loudly and even more annoyed

He began laughing, which annoyed me even more.

I just sighed and ignored him. Theres no point in falling for his childish behavior.

He all of a sudden stood right in front of me with a hand on his chin and furrowing those bushy eyebrows of his, stopping me from going any further

"What is it now Guy?" I asked

"You're grumpy because of Codi aren't you?" he asked while staring directly into my soul

I could feel my cheeks dance with pink/red

"N-no! what makes you think that?!" I stuttered

His face lit up with joy. He acted like he just dicovered my deepest, darkest secret; which I guess he had.

"You're in love with (Y/N) aren't you??!!" he practically screamed with every ounce of air his fat mouth could take in

I quickly slapped my hand across his mouth

"Shut up you idiot!" I said while I could feel my face was about the colour of the rag he keeps in his back pocket

We both became quiet when we saw familiar (H/C) flowing in the breeze at the bottom of the hill. It was (Y/N).

I shot Guy a look of 'dont do it', to which he smirked and ran off, down the hill.

I ran after him as fast as I could manage, which wasn't for very long, as I shortly tripped on a tree root on the ground which sent me tumbling. I quickly felt Guy also in the tumbling mess as we were plumiting rather fast down this extreamly steep hill. At this point I didn't care what Guy had to say, I just wanted out of this rolling heap before I got sick. As we were getting to the end of the hill, I got a quick glimpse of a group of people run as far as they could away from where we were about to be.

Eventually, we came to a stop. I could feel soft grass below me as we laid in a pile of pure misery. Once everything didn't feel like a rollercoaster from hell, I could see (Y/N) a ways to my right. I slammed my head into the ground

'Just great, Life just loves me currently doesnt it!' I thought to myself

I soon heard sobbing, to which I lifted my head up. I saw (Y/N) speedwalking out of the park. I pulled myself out from underneath Guy and ran towards where she was heading. She rammed into me

"I'm sorry" before I could react she ran off

I saw where she came from and saw Codi on the ground, completely out cold. I put two and two together and made my way over there. Just as I was standing right in front of him his eyes opened and locked with mine, which were pretty much burning into his soul.

I leaned down and grabbed him by his high collared polo shirt by one hand and lifted him up to just below my eye level

"What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do?" I said slowly and angry

I could feel him become nervous and try to think of an excuse

"Look man- I.."

I quickly threw him back onto the bench as hard as I could. He looked like he was on the brink of wetting himself. I felt Guy come up behind me and crack his knuckles

"Let's show him the power of youth" he said, almost as agitated as I was

We were quickly interupted/startled by a lady's voice from behind us


We turned around to see a lady with long dirty blonde hair and green eyes who was absolutley livid. She stormed towards Codi, practically shoving us out of the way. She grabbed him by his shirt with one hand and shook her other fist in his face


Codi's eyes formed with tears

"Ma, I can explain..."

"Go ahead! Explain to me exactly why you left your 2 little sisters, mother, father and cat just to go and break more girls hearts!! Not to mention you took ALL of our money!!!"

Codi broke down and started sobbing

"Ma please! I'm sorry, I won't do it again..." he wept and pleaded

His mother set him down and firmly grabbed him by his hair

"I have had it with your BS Codi!" she yelled as she began dragging him out of the park, and hopefully out of kohona as well

Guy and I just stood there in slight shock for a second

"Well, it looks like she did showed him enough power of youth to last a lifetime" Guy said

We laughed for a second, when I remembered why I was so angry in the first place

"Whats wrong Kakashi?" Guy asked, noticing my silence

"I-I- I think I know why I was so angry" I said sarcasticly

Guy laughed

"Well no doubt! You love her you Baka! Its the power of youth!" he said with a big grin

I smiled and turned pink

"But I have no idea how to tell her" I said

I guess Guy could sense the sad tone in my voice. He grabbed my head and looked straight into my eyes

"Go tell her you idiot. I think its pretty clear that she's not seeing anyone" he said with a laugh

With a boost of confidence I stood up striaght and looked back at him

"Thanks Guy. Now excuse me, I have some confessing to do" I said as I ran off

"The youth is strong with this one!" I could hear him say before his voice faded into the wind


Suprise! Because I felt so bad about this last part being so late, I decided to write an extra part to make up for it ^_^. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day :)

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن