Chapter 5, reuniting

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You and Kakashi went to your apartment when you two got home you both sat on the couch.

"You definitely haven't lost your stealth," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

You didn't respond, you just looked away.

"I just wanted to find my identity. I don't even know who I am," you said slightly angry.

Kakashi sighed and he arrived less than five inches away from your face.

"(Y/N) I haven't been completely honest with you," he said sorrowfully.

"What do you mean?" You asked taken aback.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture. He showed it to you. It was a picture of a younger you kissing his cheek -about 15 or so- and him wide-eyed and blushing. You didn't really know what to say. Was he your boyfriend? He put the picture back in his pocket and sighed.

"That was 10 years ago," he said.

You tried to speak but nothing came out. A huge wave of emotion came over you and tears started to roll down your cheeks. You covered your face embarrassed from the sudden outburst. He hugged you tightly, and you look up at him.

"I'm sorry about all of this. This is all my fault" he said remorsefully.

Your breaths became less rapid as you started to calm down. His warm embrace calmed your heart as he pulled you against his toned chest.

You were in a dark room again, you knew you were dreaming so you didn't feel as scared as last time.

"I know you're there," you said sternly.

You saw the man with pale skin slither out of the shadows.

"You are getting more clever by the day," he said in his creepy voice.

You growled and glared at him as if you were death itself.

"Okay, I am getting tired of all of these confusing dreams, what do you want!" you barked aggresivly at him.

He smirked and you saw a snake appear from behind him. It began to quickly slither over to you. It wriggled up your leg and before you could react it wrapped itself around your neck with the intent of strangling you. Your hands shot up to your neck desperately trying to rip the snake off of you.

"I am not sure what you are talking about dear, but I can assure you I don't have anything to do with it," he said while smirking.

Your vision began to fade and your breathing stopped.

You aggressively woke up sweating and panicked. You couldn't stop the tear from gushing out of your eyes.

"These nightmares just won't end, will they?" Kakashi said in a comforting voice.

You immediately felt secure and began to take deep breaths to calm try and calm down.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem they will stop anytime soon." You said as you hugged your legs.

He pulled you towards him and looked into your eyes.

"Everything is going to be fine, I promise. You're just confused," he said reassuringly.

You smiled and felt better.

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionWhere stories live. Discover now