Chapter 8, Flashback 1. first day at the academy

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(IMPORTANT A/N!): Chapter 7 was accidently deleted. I've re-written it and it is futher ahead in the story. I suggest skipping ahead, find it, read it then come back here and continue on your reading. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day :)

You were with your parents, extremely excited to finally be old enough to attend the academy. When you got there you hugged your parent's goodbye.

"Be a good girl now okay?" Your mother said with a grin.

"I will," you said with glee.

You ran into the building and quickly ran to your classroom. You were early, so you had the privilege of being able to pick your own seat. There were a few other people who were also early, they all seemed to be glaring at you. You were not from Kohona, you were from a distant village, but had to move to Kohona due to the fact that your mother and father were both high-class shinobi and had gotten a letter from the Hokage saying they would appreciate it if they could have them as their own shinobi. They had decided to go for your education sake, but because you were an outsider you weren't very welcomed. You decided not to let that bother you however, you sat down beside a boy who had silver hair and a navy blue mask on.

"Hi!" you said with a large grin trying to seem friendly.

He looked at you then almost immediately looked away with a bored look on his face.

"Hi," he murmured.

You were about to say something else when a bunch of female students burst through the door. They looked around and locked their sights in your direction. They had an adoring look in their eyes as they all spotted the boy who sat next to you. They ran over to greet the boy, but as soon as the realized you were there they looked at with pure disgust on their faces. You smiled at them trying to not let it get to you.

"Hi!" you said with a friendly smile.

"Move out of that seat right now!" One of the girls said with announced anger.

"W-why?" you asked a bit taken aback.

"Just move!" she yelled as she grabbed you by your collar and yanked you upwards.

"Leave her alone," the boy said cooly.

The girl looked at him as if he had hit her with a brick.

"But, Kakashi, don't you want to sit by me?" she asked innocently.

"I personly don't care who I sit by, but she was here first if you want to sit by me then maybe next time you should come to class early," he said seemingly bored.

She looked at you bitterly. Giving up, she let go of you and walked away. For the rest of the morning, you could feel all of the girls staring daggers at you, but you tried to ignore it. In the middle of class, you turned to the boy whose name was Kakashi.

"Thanks for earlier," you said in a whisper.

"No problem," he said just as bored as always.

The day went by and eventually, it was lunch. You had sat down on an empty bench with your food, enjoying the view. Then you heard a harsh female voice call behind you.

"Hey, kid!" you heard in an angry voice.

You turned around and saw the group of girls from class earlier. The girl who had held grabbed you by the collar was the one who spoke.

"Hello," you said, slightly intimidated.

Without saying anything, she shoved you to the ground. All the girls began to laugh evilly. The girl who had spoken grabbed your lunch and dumped it on you. You tried to get up but were shoved to the ground once again. She swung her fist at your face you braced yourself for the impact, but nothing came. You look up to Kakashi, was holding the girl's fist.

"Ah! Um.... Hi... Kakashi!" she said innocently with a fake smile.

You got up and began to walk away with tears streaming down your face. You kept walking but felt a hand on your shoulder. you turned around to see Kakashi.

"I'm sorry about that," he said with a bored look.

"Thanks for the help," you said the tears still running.

"You shouldn't really let them push you around like that," he said showing some emotion for once.

"I know," you said sadly.

A few seconds passed and he spoke, "It looks you don't have any lunch," he said sarcastically.

"No," you said with a chuckle.

"You may want to get some more," he said chuckling back.

"I will," you said with a smile, your tears had dried by now.

Ever since that day you guys had been great friends.

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