Chapter 13, Flashback 6. surprises

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It has been a  few months since you found the truth about your grandma thanks to Kakashi. You were angry, but still happy that you didn't have to leave with her and be used as Orochimaru's pet. You had just woken up from a 5-day mission when you heard a knock at your door. Being as tired as you were, you ignored it and hoped that they would go away. They knocked again.

"Who is it?" You yelled in a tired tone.

"The silver-haired jonin everyone knows and loves," you heard coming from behind the door.

You rolled your eyes and slammed your head back into your pillow.

"Go away Kakashi, I need my beauty sleep," you said in a muffled voice.

There was a long pause. You lift your head up to look around, but the first thing you see is Kakashi's face about four inches away from yours. He scared you half to death and you spring out of bed and hit the hard floor.

"Dammit, Kakashi! What's the point of knocking if you're just going to barge in any way?" You groaned as you gave him the stink eye.

"Sorry for startling you, but I wanted to show you something," he said excitedly.

"Does it require leaving my house at this hour?" You said as you yawned.

"Yes, and, also putting on some proper clothes," he said.

You looked down at your sleeping attire. An oversized, dirty shirt and some shorts. It was strange looking, but it was comfortable.

"Can it please wait?" you said.

"No," Kakashi said as he smiled.

You rolled your eyes and groaned.

"Fine, but I'm not getting dressed with you in the room," you said as you crossed your arms with a smirk.

He turned a light shade of pink, which made you grin.

"Or I can change right now," you said with a cheeky grin.

He turned an even darker shade of red and became wide-eyed.

"Um, no, I-I'll just leave now," he said as he tried to walk out the door, but failed and slammed into the frame.

You laughed as he tried to compose himself and he quickly tried to walk out of the door once more.

"Just hurry up please," he said, avoiding eye contact with you and closing the door.

After a few minutes, you had your outfit on. A dark red, low cut blouse along with some black leggings that hugged your skin tightly. You opened the door to see Kakashi leaning against the wall, reading his orange, perverted book.

"Okay pervert, what did you want to show me?" You said still a little groggy from waking up.

He looked up from his book and looked at you.

"Come with me," he said putting his book in his pocket.

You two walked outside and through the village. You had been walking for a while and there was silence.

"What was it you wanted to show me again?" you asked slightly annoyed.

You could see a worried look on his face as he began to sweat.

"Kakashi?" you growled.

There was silence for a long moment.

"I swear if you made me get up at an unheavenly hour-" you were stopped by his hand covering your mouth.

He leaned in towards your ear.

"I......," he trailed off

"I will show you my face," he stated as he evaded eye contact.

He moved his hand and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Even though you had been best friends ever since you were kids, you had still never seen his face. You started to think of so many ideas of what his face might look like and your eyes lit up with a huge grin.

"Or I could show you a nice trail I fou-" he was stopped by you grabbing his arm and yanking him behind a tree, in private. (Editor note E/N: He was about to say found.)

"Okay bud, off with the mask," you demanded.

"Are you sure?" He asked nervously.

"Off with it!" You whispered excitedly.

He slowly put two fingers behind his mask. Your heart was pounding with excitement. He began slowly pulling his mask down. The drumming in your chest got louder and louder by the second. Then he quickly yanked the rest of the mask down. Your heart exploded and so did your nose. You covered your nose with both hands.

"Satisfied?" He asked as a slight blush crept onto his amazing facial features.

You tried to talk, but you were transfixed by his beautiful facial features. Kakashi had a smug look on his face, while yours was covered in blood with a mesmerized look.

"Are you alright?" He questioned as he walked a little closer.

You held your hands out, stopping him.

"If you come any closer I will probably die," you said as blood dripped down your face.

He smiled, but not his famous closed eye smile. It was a toothy smile. His beautiful pearly white teeth flashed. Your nosebleed stopped and you just stared. He pulled his mask back up and walked over to you.

"I'll walk you back to your place," he said with his regular closed eye smile and his hands in his pockets.

You nodded and wiped the blood off of your face, then you both walked through the village. You were both silent on the walk home. Once you came to your doorstep, you opened the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" A group of voices yelled.

"Huh?" you said absolutely shocked.

Kakashi turned your head towards your calendar to reveal that it was, in fact, your birthday. You laughed and turned to the group of people wearing party hats and surrounded by party decorations. You smiled at them and walked into the crowd as all of your friends greeted you. You all had drinks, played games and opened gifts. You were so happy to be with everyone. After everyone left, it was just you and Kakashi. You two sat on the couch and talked for a while.

"Oh! I forgot to give you something," he said as he reached into one of his pockets.

He pulled out a small box that fit just right in his palm.

"Before your parents left, they gave me this to hold on to while they were gone. They were going to give it to you on your birthday," he said as he handed the box to you.

You opened it and saw a beautiful necklace. It was a heart-shaped, ruby locket, with gold plating and a silver chain. You opened it and saw a picture of your parents, holding you while you were a newborn baby. You shed a tear while smiling.  Kakashi helped you put it on and you took a deep breath.

"Thank you," you said with a smile.

He smiled.

"I would have given it to you sooner, but I thought it would be more special if I gave it to you today."

His words warmed your heart.

"Awwwe Kakashi, I didn't know you were so sentimental," you said sarcastically as you put your hands on your cheeks.

He turned a shade of pink.

"Do you have to do that every time?" He said in an annoyed voice.

You chuckled.

"I'm just teasing," you said with a smile.

Kakashi sighed and stood up.

"It has been nice, but I should get going now," he said sadly.

"Okay," you said smiling.

He smiled and walked out the door.

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionWhere stories live. Discover now