Chapter 15, Flashback 8. meeting "him"

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You were walking through the village. It was a cool day and you were going to get some ramen to warm up. You would have gone with Kakashi, but he was on a mission at the time. You were thinking to yourself when you heard someone call your name.

"(Y/N)?" You turned around and saw an old friend from your childhood before you moved to Kohona.

"Codi?" you asked in shock.

"Heh, you know it," he said as he winked and put his hands on the back of his neck.

You remembered Codi as the heartbreaker of Elementary school, who always had a group of girls following him around like lost puppies. He was known for having a ton of girlfriends. You seemed to be the only one who wasn't obsessed with him, but now that you meet him eleven years later, he has certainly changed. He was very handsome, even more than before.

"It's nice to see you again Codi," you said with a smile.

"It's nice to be here, so this is the town you've been living in for past ten years?" He said looking around.

"Eleven years actually, and yes, it's quite a nice place," you corrected.

"Sweet, so I've heard you're a ninja or something, Is that true?" he questioned.

"Yes I am," you said as you proudly pointed at your headband.

"Nice," he said as he gave you the thumbs up.

You smiled.

"Hey, I was just going to get some ramen, want to come?" You asked as you nodded your head towards the ramen shop.

"Sure, I could use a tour around the place," he said as he smiled.

You both walked over to the shop and ordered your meals. While your food was cooking, you decided to strike up a conversation with Codi.

"Sooooo, what brings you to Kohona?" You ask him.

He looked up at you.

"I'm moving here," he said with a shrug.

"Nice, you made a good choice," you said smiling.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get away from my family, they're such a bother," he said seemingly annoyed.

He leaned in closer to your ear.

"I actually came here to see you. I've missed you ever since you left," he said softly.

You turned a dark pink color as you glanced at him.

"Really?" You asked.

He nodded.

"You've definitely changed a lot since I last saw you," he said seductively.

Your food came and you both dug in, you saw Codi's eyes light up when he took his first bite.

"Wow, this is amazing! Do you get to eat this whenever you want? Awesome!!" Codi said with delight.

You chuckled at his excitement of tasting the dish. You were just about to take another bite of your ramen when you felt the ground shake. You and Codi turned around in confusion when you heard screaming and gasps. Both of you fled the shop. Just a few meters away there was a tall man with a robe on and a large, round hat covering his face. Everyone in the area stared in slight shock and fear. The man looked up and you saw his face. He had a long slender face, long black hair, and very pale skin. He made eye contact with you, his eyes were terrifying. He stared daggers into your eyes. He smirked and licked his lips with a long, forked tongue. You were extremely creeped out.

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