Chapter 20, Flashback 12. What to do?

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It had been only yesterday when you had your fight with Kakashi and you were sitting in your old house. No one was renting it at that time thankfully. You needed some space from him. Although you did regret your reaction towards the situation, you weren't in the mood to admit you were in the wrong.

Your house was cold, it hadn't been rented in a while but it was slowly warming up, but in the mean time you were burritoed in blankets and a sweater while drinking a hot beverage. You were groaning and cursing to yourself for not turning the heat on when you got here last night before going to sleep. The picture of Kakashi's face when you yelled at him was burned into your brain. He looked so sad and hurt.

"Poor dude, I guess I understand why he did what he did" You said to yourself as you put your drink on the table in front of you.

"But I'm still too sore to apologize" You mumbled under your breath.

It was quiet for a second, but not for long, There was a knock on the front door. You were silently hoping it was Kakashi. Nevertheless, you got up, still wrapped in blankets covering your feet and everything else other than your face.

Opening the door reveiled two of your young friends.

"Hey Sakura, Hey Hinata. Whats up?" You said with a smile.

"Hello (Y/N)-chan" Hinata said with a sweet smile.

Sakura smiled aswell.

"Come on in ladies, sit down" You said as you made room for them to enter.

Being Kakashi's student, you were good friends with Sakura and most of the young ninja of the village. After noticing Hinata's obvious attraction towards Naruto, you became good friends with her and even atempted to play cupid a few times, but Naruto's skull is thicker than Kakashi's masks and often looks over Hinata.

They sat at your table as you started to pour them some hot tea.

"Sorry its so cold in here girls, I just came in here... for some inspecting. It hasn't been rented in a while so I figured I'd check on it" You lied, not wanting to bring light to your fight with your signifigant other.

"Thats quite alright (Y/N)-chan, you have a nice house" Hinata said kindly with a smile.

You smiled back as you turned off the heat for the kettle and grabbed two cups. You placed a heat pad on a tray for the kettle to go on. You put the cups and spoons along with some milk and sugar beside the heat pad. You stopped thinking to yourself and overhead the girls talking to eachother.

"I don't know if we should ask her Sakura-chan, I mean it is kinda personal" Hinata whispered.

"There are rumours going around, I just wanna know if they are true or not" Sakura responded quietly.

You were curious about their convo.

"Ask who what?" You asked as you reached for your kettle.

They looked suprised. Sakura turned around and took a deep breath.

"Did you and Kakashi-sensei break up?" She asked.

You were a little shocked by that question, so suprized by it that when you grabbed the kettle you grabbed the base rather than the handle, burning your hands. They both gasped and looked rather suprised while you bit your lip as hard as possible without biting it off.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" Sakura asked as she sat up and walked over in your direction.

"I-I knew it was too personal of a question" Hinata said quietly with a stutter.

You held out a hand to Sakura, stopping her.

"Its fine, it could be worse" You said as you turned and ran your red, crisp fingers underneath some cold water (Pro tip, if you burn yourself, put the burned body part in some flour. You're welcome)

"Here, I'll take this to the table" She said as the sound of moving cups on the tray became present.

After drying your hands you walked over the table and sat down across from the two girls. Sakura sighed.

"I'm sorry I asked that, I should have respected your personal life" she said, looking at her feet.

You sighed also.

"No, I understand your reasoning behind it. To answer your question, no, we just had a bit of a spat at eachother. I just came here to let us have our space at the moment" You responded, answering her question.

They both exhaled in relief and smiled.

"Thank goodness. He's been acting strange lately" Hinata said.

"Yeah, he wasn't being his normal self at training today. He was just, acting weird" Sakura said, more perked up.

You smiled and even giggled slightly.

"Thanks for checking before believing rumours" You said.

They both smiled.

"You want me to talk to him (Y/N)?" Sakura said.

A dark shade of pink rose to visibility on your face.

"No no! I-its fine, we just some distance from eachother to cool off. Besides, this is something between us two, theres no need to drag you into something that isn't your issue" You responded.

"OK. But if you ever change your mind..."

"Thanks, but it's fine" You said, cutting her off in a frustrated manner.

There was an awkward silence for a couple seconds.

"*sigh* I'm sorry, I'm just kinda on edg..."

"(Y/N)-chan!" rang through your ears.

It was Lee. shortly followed by Naruto, panting and sweaty. They had busted the hinges on the door.

"What the hell you guys! You can't just burst into (Y/N)-chan's house in such a rude fashion. It's not professional at all" Sakura exclaimed while clenching her fist.

You stood up (Keep in mind you're still burritoed in blankets) and breathed in, trying not to lose your temper.

"What can I do for you two?" You asked through your teeth.

"It's Orchimaru! He's attacking right outside the village" Lee answered

Your stomach sunk to your knees. You almost knew what was about to be said next.

"And Kakashi Sensei went to take him on" Naruto continued.

All of the eyes in the room looked to you. You dropped your blankets and walked forward.

"You're going after him aren't you (Y/N)?" Sakura asked with concern

You turned and grinned towards her

"Well, someone has to aid him in battle" You said smugly

They all grinned.


"By the way, you're both paying for a new door"


(A/N) Short, I know. *insert excuse for late release* Next part should show up soon. Don't worry, It'll be more interesting than this one. This is more of a build up than anything. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day :) :) :)

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