*Chapter 7*

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(VERY IMPORTANT A/N!): I know this is chapter 7 when it should be chapter 19, but a while back, Chapter 7 pulled a finding Nemo on me because it dissappeared and have no clue what happened to it. Normally I would have just left it but this is pretty important to the story line so I have to write it again. To all those who have already read Chapter 7, sorry it looks different to the original, its that way because I have to re-write it from memory. Sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

Ps. I suggest you go and read Chapter 5/6 again for a recap :)

You were sitting in Kakashi's living room, trying to make sense of everything that was going on, when you heard something knocking at the apartment door.

'Thats weird, he's only been gone for 15 minutes' you thought to yourself.

You got up from your seated position and walked over to the door, you opened it to find...


"Ah, I guess some kids live on this floor or something" you said to yourself as you closed the door

You went to go sit down again to see 2 men in front of you. A man with grey hair and glasses with a black rim on it, standing alongside none other than the man from your nightmares (litteraly).

"I'll have you know I am no child dearie" the man with the snake-like features annouced quietly with a smirk

The feeling of cold scales moving quickly came around your body. The man with glasses moved forward towards you but in fight-or-flight mode you kicked him in the head, making his forehead protecter come off. The snake around your body tightened as you groaned in slight pain; but before you could do anything else, your vision went black.

~an unknown amout of time later~

You were unaware of your surroundings, but couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes. The only thing that was certain was the uncomfortable position you were in. Eventually, your (E/C) orbs emerged from being closed.

Not even 45 seconds after you opened your eyes, you heard an all-too familiar man speak with his creepy, none-human voice.

"You can place her down now Kabuto, she can walk on her own"

"Fine with me" You heard below you

Instead of being put down normally, you were dropped on your back, making you groan in pain; once again

"Oops" The man said, coated thick in sarcasm

Only now did you realize that your hands and feet were binded together with chains. The man from your nightmares snapped his fingers and the bottom chain slithered away.

"Now walk" He said in a demanding voice as he continued to move forward

You forced yourself off the ground and on your feet. The chains on your hands lead to the man with glasses.

You felt the erge to cry; not only had you forgotten everything, but now 2 strange creatures men had you in chains. But you felt some form of hope still. That man with silver hair and green flak jacket, maybe he could help?

"Kakashi, you followed/stalked me for unessary reasons, please do something helpful for once and get me out of here" you mumbled under your breath, frustration sewn into the sentence.

The man in front of you began to chuckle, did he hear you?

He turned to face you, the sun flashing on his glasses for a breif moment. He was smirking.

"I almost pity you, you're so pathetic" he said

The man in lead began to speak.

"Now now Kabuto, there is no need to taunt her, she already has an unpleasent future ahead of today" He said, you couldn't help but feel he was smiling behind those long, black locks covering his head.

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionWhere stories live. Discover now