Chapter 19, Flashback 11. Digging up old dirt

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-(A/N) this is the continuation. Not an update, not a lost chapter. we're back to the story baby! Lol, enjoy :)

It had been many years since Kakashi confessed to you. Although he was very laid back and cold sounding to everyone else, you, Guy and even his hounds would tell anyone he gets excited about silly things and is very passionate about the things he does. Needless to say, He's really a big softy around the right people (or animals). Since the day he told you his feelings you guys were together. You weren't the typical PDA couple, nothing other than a few forehead/cheek kisses in public, but you still loved eachother, He was still your bestfriend; that would never change.

You moved out of your house and rented it out to travelers passing through or anyone needing a temporary roof over their head. You lived with Kakashi in his decent sized apartment. At this point, Kakashi was the leader of team 7, missing a member of course (You know what I mean). Although he didn't seem very affected by Sasuke leaving, it really hit him at home. Somehow it awakened his night terrors from his past. There were many nights where he would lay awake and clutch to you like you were a priceless gem that was going to be stolen. Naruto had left with Jiraya but had returned as of now. After Naruto returned and started training with Sakura, Sai and Kakashi, his night terrors left. Kakashi cared about his students and Sasuke's absence made him feel like a failure. Especially after giving him a lecture about revenge and hinting towards his own past.

~flashback in a flashback~

There was an unbearable pain digging into your stomatch and limiting your breathing. Your slumber was rudely awakened by this. You shot open your eyes. The dry eye gunk limited your vision and caused you even more pain (For real though, can anyone else relate to this?). After quickly wiping as much residue out of your eye as you could on short notice you pryed the cause of your pain off your stomatch.

They were hands, big, sweaty hands that were unintentually crushing your ribcage. You sat up and turned around, facing your loved one that was accidently causing you horrible pain.

"Kakashi. Kakashi its just a dream, its not real. Please wake up" You spoke loudly, but to no avail

He was breathing heavily and sweating like there was no tomorrow. He was digging his nails into his chest, drawing slight blood

"Sorry my love" You whispered as you raised your hand and back handed him.

His eyes, filled with tears opened. He quickly closed his sharingan eye.

He was still breathing heavily, but started to slow down

"Damnit, they just won't stop" he said as facepalmed himself

You layed down beside him again and gently massaged his head and hair as you pulled yourself closer to him. He turned his gaze to you, still tears in his onyx orb of an eye.

"Did I hurt you again?" He asked as you twirled his hair around your index finger

"Somewhat, but I know you weren't trying to" you responded as you gently kissed his cheek closest to you and cupping the opposite one.

He brought his hand to his chest and winced in pain as he touched his self inflicted scratches. He lifted your nightshirt up to your stomatch and reveiled the bruises and broken skin on your waist.

"I know I have a habit of falling off the bed, but I think you may have gone to the extreme here" You said with a chuckle, trying to bring light to the situation

He moved his hand away and sat up. You looked at him confused

"I'm going to the couch, I don't want to cause harm to you again tonight" He said as he began to move himself off the bed

Amnesia. Kakashi x reader fictionWhere stories live. Discover now