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One of the angels falling from the sky makes impact with the ground with a loud boom. I feel the need to run in its direction so I take off into the forest behind one of the dirt huts. I run for probably a mile before I slow when I see a crater in the ground and trees bent from the force of the impact. I cautiously walk toward the crater, in case the angel that fell is bad and might try to kill me as soon as they see me. I climb over the pile of dirt and peer into the crater. Confusion washes over me as I stare down at Etheriel. One of his white wings is bent at an unnatural angle and the other wing is damaged like they were when I last seen him. A few feathers are lying around the crater.

"Etheriel?" I question and slide down into the crater. I brush some hair out of his face and his eyes pop open and he backs away from me his eyes wide.

"Human, you shouldn't be here." He says in a raspy, pained voice. My confusion becomes even worse as I stare at him.

"Etheriel?" I question again and his eyes narrow at me.

"How do you know my name?" The wing that is bent at an unnatural angle twitches some as he backs away from me more. As he says this, I realize that he isn't speaking English, and neither am I.

"Etheriel, what are you talking about? Don't you recognize me?" I say and he slowly shakes his head.

"Who are you?" He questions wearily.

"Trinity... Etheriel... What year is it?" I ask, panic slowly setting in. He furrows his eyebrows together.

"467..." He says cautiously. "Why?" I stare. 467 B.C. when angels fell. When Etheriel fell. An angel on fire falls from the sky and makes impact a hundred feet away. I jump and turn as dirt rains down over us. Etheriel immediately tries to stand and go to his fallen brethren, but collapses in pain, crying out slightly. His body is broken. I crawl closer to him and he looks like he wants to move away, but is in way too much pain to move. No movement comes from the other crater and I expect that the angel died.

"Etheriel, Etheriel." He focuses on me. "I am not suppose to be here... An angel sent me back in time, how do I get back?" I ask urgently and confusion crosses his face.

"What?" He questions.

"I am not suppose to be here..." I say slightly slower. "I came from 2015... I know you from then." He seems extremely confused and a low ringing starts up in my ears. I hold a hand to my ear as the ringing becomes louder and louder.

"What's wrong? What were you talking about?" Etheriel questions and the ringing gets so loud that I pass out.


It's like she disappeared off the face of the Earth. I can't sense her through the sigils connection and we can't even sense the slight presence of a Nephil on earth anymore. It's like she vanished... or died. I run a hand through my hair and watch Malachai walk back toward me with a raccoon in his arms. I stare at him. What the hell is up with him?

"What are you doing now?" I question, obviously annoyed and he looks up at me.

"I thought that when we find Trinity that she would like a pet and this raccoon wandered up to me from an alley." He explains and I just continue to stare. Is he serious? The raccoon climbs onto his shoulder and lays on his neck. I turn away and wait impatiently for my contact.


Nathan turns away from the angel and shakes his head as he looks back at me. I sigh and turn away. She's gone. Every angel that we have found and asked if they have seen or sensed Trinity all say they haven't sense moments before they fell. The angels are aimlessly wandering around, unable to cope with being stuck in the mortal realm. Some are trying desperately to adjust to Human lifestyle while others are going around looking for a way to open up Heaven's doors. All of them running from demons, who are hunting them down and killing them. Eli hasn't shown his face around since locking up Heaven. Dominic took Malachai with him to search for leads and honestly I'm glad because I'm not sure if I can trust Malachai and Dominic might drop off the deep end at any moment. Any piece of good in him would be ripped to shreds and he would go back to being a merciless, bloodthirsty demon, killing people for fun.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now