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"Dominic..." She turns and faces me with a small smile although her eyes are dead as they stare through me. "Michael told me that you weren't allowed in his house... why are you here?" She doesn't even seem to realize that there is no furniture around her. "Thank you for finding me in Hell. Thank you for rescuing me from Eli." Ah... This is Trinity after she was trapped in Hell. Malachai looks around me into the room at Trinity. Her eyes don't leave me and I remember the painful moment when she told me she didn't love me... That she never loved me... She walks toward me slowly and once she is standing in front of me, she reaches out toward me. I watch her hand and then remember I'm not suppose to touch anything and I'm sure that, that implies letting anything touch me. I take two quick steps back out of her reach and watch her stare at me with her hand idle in the air. She lowers her hand and her eyes flicker to Malachai, watching. I look around even more.

"Hey, where's Ziel?" I question and Malachai looks around too.

Malachai opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off, "Here." Ziel strolls out of what was Mihael's office. He slides his hands into his pockets and looks into the room at Trinity. He narrows his eyes slightly.

"When was this?" He questions, slipping into the room and walking past Trinity, looking around.

"After we solved one problem just to be introduced into more problems... But it was an amazing time." I smile a little and watch Ziel walk to the window. Malachai looks back and forth between Trinity and I. "Where is her Humanity?" I ask, ready to leave suddenly. Malachai's eyes stop on me.

"Far away..." He replies and I stare at him. I don't notice it at first, but once the shaking becomes more violent, I look around rapidly. The whole house is shaking and creaking audibly. Trinity is thrown off her balance and is thrown to the ground. When her body hits the ground, a bone most definitely breaks and then she disappears as the whole house shakes like it might collapse in on us.

"What's happening?!" I yell and watch the window in front of Ziel explode and leave little slices on his bare skin. He grips the window sill and looks out the window confused. Outside, I see a tree tip and rip out of the ground.

"An earthquake? In her head?" Malachai yells and holds onto the doorframe.

"No!" Trees outside are continuing to fall over. "This is something that's physically happening to her!" Ziel yells and looks back at us.

"What? An earthquake in real life is doing this?" I use the wall to keep from falling.

"No!" Ziel yells sounding slightly pissed about us not understanding what he is saying. The house jerks and throws me off balance. I slam against the floor and groan, rolling over. "She's having a seizure!" Ziel continues to yell and the floor creaks loudly, making me freeze. Is the floor going to give out? She's seizing? What is making her seize? I hear the floorboards split loudly at one end of the hall. I look up and see the growing crack coming toward us.



I stare down at Trinity's hand. Suddenly it tightens around my hand. Too tight. Trinity's whole body jerks and I look up sharply. She then starts convulsing. Violently.

"What is happening?" Nathan has no clue what to do as he stares.

"I'm pretty sure she's having a seizure..." I reply and stand up, holding her down so Ziel doesn't lose contact with her and that she doesn't fall off the bed. She convulses uncontrollably for over two minute which I am sure is worse than seizing in general. She finally calms down and I watch carefully to make sure she doesn't start convulsing again. I slowly sit back down on the edge of the other bed.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now