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"Get in the car." I shove Ziel into the back seat of the car and he barely misses from hitting his head. Malachai jumps into the passenger seat and looks around.

"I'm going to go ahead and look around." I turn and face Dominic who looks anxious, but for good reasons since we don't know how sick Trinity might be. I nod and he quickly disappears into a passage. I quickly walk around the car to the driver's side and get in. I start the car and immediately Malachai starts messing with the radio. I don't say anything since I just want to get to Trinity.


I walk along the street, heading into town. My hometown. It was strangely easy for me to find my way out of the forest. I stop across the street from the coffee shop that Etheriel stopped by when he was taking me home after being attacked my Aaliyah. A girl inside the shop is taking chairs off the tables, getting ready to open. I look up at the brightening sky and watch a few snowflakes descend. I don't feel that cold. I continue walking and walk into the road a little to pick up a crumpled piece of paper. I un-crumple it and look at the picture of me from a long time ago. I let go of the paper and watch it blow away in the wind before crashing to the ground again. I continue to walk, strangely I feel hollow, yet I am extremely calm and feel strong. I walk and walk for an hour before stopping across the street from my Adoptive parents' home. Their lights are still off, telling me that they are asleep. I walk across the street and up to the door. I raise my hand to knock, but before I can, my body stiffens and goes alert. I turn and see Eli staring at me.

"Hello." He greets casually. I glance back at the door before stepping off the porch and a few steps closer to Eli. I'm calm.

"Hi." I reply and he tilts his head, a smile slowly spreading on his face.

"I see that you got back from the past..." He approaches me and stops right in front of me. "And I see that you are different..." He continues to smile at me. I get a confused look.

"Different?" I question and he tilts his head the other way.

"You don't know?" He pauses and examines my expression. What is he talking about? "You... You are radiating demonic energy, like you are one." He says quietly and continues to stare down at me. "Have you been hanging out in Hell too much?" I shake my head and he slowly nods. "How did you get back anyways?" Eli wraps an arm around me and starts to lead me down the sidewalk. I don't pull away from him because it's strangely comforting being this close to him. It's like I am being pulled closer to him.

"Dominic, from the 1930s, injected me with his blood so that I would be pulled back here." I reply. Eli stops for a second before continuing to walk.

"Did he? Do you know the risks of doing that?" He questions and the neighbor's dogs starts barking at us as we walk by.

"Yeah, I could have gotten poisoned and then get sick and die... I could have become addicted to the blood..." I try to remember the last warning. "... Or I could have corrupted into a Demon..." Things start to click into place and I stop walking. Eli turns and looks back at me, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Understand?" He questions and tilts his head.

"I'm... I'm a Demon?" I whisper and he smiles.

"Yup! Welcome to the Demon side, the best side." He walks until he is inches from me and stares down at me. "Do you feel that?" He questions lightly and his hand cups my cheek. "Do you feel that urge?" I stare up at him and slowly nod. I do feel it. I didn't really notice it until he just mentioned it. His other hand closes around my hand. "You'll feel much better..." A knife materializes in my hand, the one that Eli's hand is closed around. "If you give into the urge."

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now