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  The doorbell rings and I jog down the stairs, still in my bathing suit. I just made it up the stairs to change when it rang. I open the door and barely have time to move as the guy on the other side lunges at me with an angel blade.

"What the-" He tries to stab me again, but my body moves like it has a mind of its own. Etheriel and Dominic are still out on the beach. They said they had something about Ziel to talk about. Nathan and Malachai went to take the furniture truck back to the store all the furniture came from. The guy charges me and grabs my abdomen, pushing me over the back of the couch and tackling me to the ground. The air is knocked out of me for a couple seconds from hitting the ground hard. I slap the angel blade out of his hand and it slides across the floor and disappears underneath a part of the couch. His fist connects with my nose and it soon starts bleeding.

"Demon." The Angel growls and wraps his hands around my throat, squeezing tightly. I furrow my eyebrows together, confused, and claw at his hands desperately.

"St-op!" I struggle out that simple word and the Angel squeezes harder and darkness starts closing in around my vision. I reach up and push against the guy's chest, desperately trying to get him to stop. I am almost completely surrounded by darkness when suddenly I am stumbling out of a passage across the room. I look around confused while breathing heavily, catching my breath. The Angel gets up off the floor where I once was and faces me. His angel blade reappears in his hand and he chucks it at me. My body dodges on its own as the angel jumps over the back of the couch and his angel blade lodges itself into the wall. It reappears in his hand and he slices at me as I stumble back away from him. I need a weapon. I stumble back again as he slices at me again. A dagger forms in my hand and I look down to see a demon blade. What the hell? He lunges at me and I automatically hit his angel blade away with my demon blade. Where did these fighting skills come from? Eli. Eli taught me how to fight. He swipes at me and I grab the blade and pull the angel blade out of his hand. I flinch as it cuts into my skin and Eli's fighting reflexes kicks in and I swipe at him and it cuts across his abdomen. Blood starts soaking through the shirt he is wearing as he quickly backs up, weaponless. He backs up into the wall and I sink the blade deep into his stomach. Pain clearly registers on his face as I feel his warm blood spill from the new wound and soak my hand and his shirt. I twist the blade and pull it out before stabbing it in again, higher up and closer to his heart. He pushes me back roughly, making me yank out the blade too. He holds a hand to his gushing wounds and looks down at all the blood. Blood drips from him and onto the floor. At the sight of all the blood, something takes over me and it's like some else steps up and takes control of me. He runs toward the closest doors, the back doors, and I chase after him, grabbing him and pulling him backward at an unbelievable force. I climb on him and wrap my blood soaked hands around his throat. He glares up into my eyes as he pulls at my hands.

"De-mon!" He chokes out and I slam his head back into the ground, dazing him before stabbing the demon blade straight into his heart. Pain is still clear in his eyes as I stumble back off of him and watch as he begins to glow brightly. He explodes in a ball of white light which leaves me blinking dots out of my vision afterwards while a single feather floats down toward his pile of ashes. The back doors open and I turn to see Etheriel walk in followed by Dominic. Etheriel looks up and freezes along with Dominic. Their eyes go to the Angel dust pile eight feet from me and then to me. Dominic's eyes go down to my bloody hands and the demon blade that I am clenching in my hand. I snap out of this hazy feeling and I drop the demon blade. It disappears in flames as soon as it hits the ground.

"What happened?" Etheriel whispers and takes a step further in the house, taking in the pool of blood on the floor and the slightly messed up couch. Dominic has the same look on his face as the time after I stabbed that innocent kid and Flora.

"He attacked me..." I whisper back and back up against the wall, shock overcoming me. I didn't have to kill him. If I would have waited a few seconds, Etheriel and Dominic would have came in and dealt with him. He didn't have to die. I look at my hands, at the blood, at his blood. My hands are shaking violently. My stomach flips and I run up the stairs and into the bathroom, where I lock myself in and throw up into the toilet. I start sobbing. I killed someone. Again. All those other people I killed flash across my mind making me cry more. That mailman, those two guys in that alley, the gas station employee, that lady at the gas station, that poor boy, Flora, and the grounds keeper in middle of that football field. I throw up again. I lean against the wall, crying, for a while before my hair stands on end which causes me to look around. Dominic steps out of a passages and starts toward me. I press myself more against the wall and he notices, stopping in his tracts.

"Trinity..." He whispers slightly, staring at me with caring eyes.

"Please go away... I want to be alone." I whisper back, not looking at him and keeping my eyes level with the floor. He hesitates and then walks through a passage which I feel reopen somewhere else in the house. I thought I was better now. I thought the Demon thing was sorted out. I can feel it deep in me. It's still there.

I sit curled up on the bathroom floor for about half an hour before getting up and rinsing my face with cool water, washing the blood off from under my nose. My nose has already started to bruise from being punched. I'm lucky he didn't break my nose. My eyes go down and look at the bruises around my neck from the Angel strangling me. I unlock the bathroom door and slowly open it. I go toward the stairs and get halfway down before stopping at the whispering voices. I listen closely to Etheriel whispering harshly.

"I thought you said that part of her was gone." Etheriel whispers sharply and I can hear someone sweeping. I sit down on the steps, just out of sight.

"That's what I thought! Malachai absorbed that part of her, it shouldn't be there anymore." Dominic whisper yells and the sweeping sounds get more furious. "Plus it's not that much of a bad thing, that Angel attacked her... and she defended herself." The sweeping sounds stop.

"How did he know where we were? I thought you painted sigils all around in clear paint before we got here. He shouldn't have been able to track any of us especially Trinity with the tattoos and your sigil." Etheriel whispers back.

"I did. He must have just seen one us out somewhere and followed them back." Dominic explains and the sweeping starts up again.

"You think he saw you or Nathan out and he followed you back?" Etheriel questions.

"Yeah, why not?" Dominic questions and I suppose he is the one sweeping up the Angel's ashes.

"Why didn't you sense them then?" Etheriel questions back and the sweeping pauses for a second before starting again.

"Same reason we didn't sense him when he was right here attacking Trinity." Dominic responds and starts sweeping again. "He probably warded himself." Dominic adds on and they both fall silent. The front door opens and Malachai walks in. He looks at me, sitting on the stairs, and then at Etheriel and Dominic. I don't see Nathan behind him. He narrows his eyes at the floor, probably where the ash is on the floor. He looks back at me, concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He walks halfway up the stairs to me and gingerly touches my nose. The sweeping stops and Dominic appears at the bottom of the steps, staring up at me, surprised that I am here. Malachai carefully moves my nose around, making sure it isn't broken. I wince slightly and he pulls me up into a hug.

"Did someone attack you?" He questions and I nod against his warm chest. "Who killed him?" Malachai pulls away and turns, looking down at Dominic. Dominic shifts and nods in my direction, making Malachai turn back to me. He looks at me in shock.

"We all should sit down and have a little talk about Trinity." Dominic suggests and Malachai becomes a little more concerned before stepping out of the way to let me go down the rest of the stairs first. Dominic leans the broom against the wall and goes to the couch, fixing the position before sitting down. I sit at the other end while Malachai sits in one of the lone chairs. Etheriel comes over and sits next to me, his eyes flickering to my bruised nose and then to the bruises around my neck. Dominic shifts and looks at Malachai.

"Whatever you did in her head, did not work."  

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now