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Dominic leads me out of the alley and into the flow of people passing, just leaving behind whoever he just beat the shit out of. We walk side by side in the crowd of people and I press up against him to avoid bumping into the people walking the other way, although, to Dominic I am a stranger too. As we walk, I notice that there are piles of snow built up along the side of the roads, explaining the chill I feel all over my body.

"What year is it?" I question lightly as we walk. It must have been a while since the first thing he said when he saw me again was Nice to finally see you again. I take in the appearances of the people around us. It couldn't have been too long, like fifty years since some of the clothing is similar to that of what I remember when I was with Dominic last.

"1935, Twelve years since I last saw you." He says and his arm suddenly snakes around my waist and pulls me closer to him. His warmth lures me closer to him and I lean against him as we walk. To any passing person, we would look like a young couple, but in reality we are heading to do something that could be the death of me. Two people who barely know each other, walking together.

"Are you ready?" He leans down toward me some and asks so that only I can hear. I look up at him and his eyes bore into mine, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah..." I reply and he nods as we turn a corner. "Where are we going?" I question and look around.

"Somewhere more private because it is not socially acceptable to be withdrawing blood, and injecting it into you in public." He lets out a quiet laugh and opens the door to a slightly run-down diner. I go in and look back at him as he holds the door open for a couple leaving. He pulls me into a narrow hallway leading toward the bathrooms. He hesitates before opening the door to the women's bathroom and pulls me in.

"Why are we in here? You're not supposed to be in here." I say and look around the small bathroom. I hear the lock click into place and I turn, looking at Dominic standing in the way of the door, his hand lingering on the doorknob. This is extremely shady... Dominic moves and goes to the sink, pulling a syringe from nowhere. He pulls up his sleeve and positions the needle above his arm, studying his arm. He effortlessly pokes the needle into his arm, into a vein, and pulls blood into the slim cylinder. I stare at his blood in the syringe. It's slightly darker than normal blood. He pulls the needle out of his arm and turns toward me.

"You should probably sit down..." He suggests and I use my foot to lower the lid of the toilet and then sit down. He walks to in front of me and crouches slightly, gently grabbing my arm and searches for a vein before looking up at me.

"You ready?" He questions and positions the needle lightly against my arm. My heart pumps loudly in my ears from anxiousness.

"Y-Yeah." I reply and he stares up at me for a second before looking down at my arm and poking the needle into my arm. I flinch and he looks up at me once more before slowly pressing down the end of the syringe. As soon as his blood leaves the needle, it burns. The burning spreads noticeably through my veins and soon the burning turns into an intense sting. He pulls the syringe out of my arm and stands, tossing the empty, blood-stained syringe into the sink. The stinging spreads throughout my body before becoming pin pricks and then stabbing pain, everywhere. My body suddenly jerks from the pain and I fall into Dominic's arms. I let out a strangled animal like sound and Dominic tightly holds me, rocking me slightly. Tears spring to my eyes and pour down my cheeks. I feel like my whole body is being ripped apart; skin away from muscle, muscle away from bone, and tendon away from tendon. I grab Dominic's arm and tightly squeeze. I dig my nails into his skin and begin to draw blood as my body feels like it is rejecting itself. The pain subsides and my body goes limp in Dominic's arms and tears flow down my cheeks from the pain I just experienced.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now