Ways Back

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Dominic quickly gets off of me and pulls me to my feet.

"An angel dropped you here?" Dominic asks and scans my body, undressing me and making me uncomfortable.

"And several other places... I need to get back, do you know a way?" I ask and almost trip over the root that I tripped on in the first place. He shrugs, not really providing a good answer as I follow him back towards the way I ran from. "What's that mean?" I question and he continues to walk in silence for a few seconds.

"Well... There's several ways you can get back... all but one are dangerous." He answers.

"What's the safe way?" I question and continue to follow him.

"The Angel pulls you back himself." He says and I stop walking and stare at him.

"That's the only safe way?" I question and he turns and looks at me.

"Yeah." He responds shortly before turning and beginning to walk again.

"Then what are the other ways?" I question as we walk.

"You find the Angel here in this time period and kill him so that he would never exist in the present, find another angel who might be powerful enough to undo whatever the current angel is doing, pollute your body so that it disrupts the Angel's connection with you and you'll be thrown back to your time, or... you could test out what dying here does... although it would probably make it so that you never existed." He explains casually while walking.

"How would we find the Angel in this time period?" I question him. I doubt an angel would roam around in the Mortal Realm for fun.

"Try and summon him... about forty percent chance of that working though." Dominic replies and stops at the shoes I was wearing before I took them off to run, allowing me to put them back on. Once they are on, I struggle to walk for a couple seconds before we actually continue walking.

"Do you perhaps know an angel with enough power to put me back where I belong?" I question and see him shake his head.

"Strong angels stay up in Heaven and watch things play out down here." He provides a small bit of information.

"Polluting my body? What's that mean?" I question and he stops walking and faces me.

"Inject you with Demon blood until you're literally on the brink of being a Demon yourself and then you would be forcefully slammed back into your present." He leans against a tree and watches me.

"Is it dangerous?" I ask. Of course it's probably dangerous. Putting Demon blood into me? It just sounds harmful.

"Very." He replies. "If injected with too much blood in a short amount of time, it poisons you and you'll get sick... and die painfully. When you stop injecting the blood and you miss the next injection time, you'll be in pain from the demon blood trying to filter out. You could start craving the blood, like a drug addiction. If injected just over the amount needed to pollute, you could slowly corrupt into a Demon." As he lists off the dangers, I feel like I am reading the warning label on the back medicine.

"And the death option?" I question lightly.

"You could die permanently and your soul wouldn't be able to go to Heaven because you aren't in the correct place so it would be taken to Hell." He replies and continues to watch me think about the options laid out in front of me by him.

"So... Should we start with trying to summon the Angel?" I question and he tilts his head.

"Know the Angel's name?" He questions and I stare at him.

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