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Dominic leads me into a passage and we come out in a damp, dark alley. It's dark like it's night even though it's in the morning. Dominic is too close to me so I take a step back, backing up into the brick wall behind me. Dominic notices and doesn't say anything as he slips his shirt over his head, handing it to me. I hold it and watch as his wings slowly unfurl. Pain is clear across his face and he makes a small pained noises and he leans forward, placing his hands on either side of my head, against the bricks. I stare at the multicolored wings; black, dark grey, light grey, and white. Dominic's face tilts down a little too close to me, but I continue to stare at his gorgeous wings. He is in pain. His wings are causing him pain, like how Etheriel's ache, but his is full on pain. His wings twitch and gravitate toward me before flinching back. I slowly reach out toward them. Wings are sensitive to touch because they aren't touched often... His hasn't been touched for probably over a thousand years... He hasn't been able to unfurl them... until now. His wings twitch. I place my hand against one. It flinches away before slowly coming back to my hand. Dominic takes a shaky breath, leaning toward me more. I slowly slide my finger tips down the width of the wing. Dominic shudders and his wing pushes against my hand, desperate to be touched for the first time in who knows how long. I slide my fingertips back up and then slowly go down the length of his wing until I can't reach any further. Dominic shuts his eyes and leans even closer. Pain is still clear on his face. I look at his wing again before starting to softly massage. Dominic's head drops and rests to the side of my face. I continue and Dominic can't hold back his moan anymore. I hesitate before continuing to massage his wing.

"Trinity..." Dominic shudders and quietly moans again. I feel his warm lips brush against my ear.


I open the bathroom door and walk out. My eyes breeze over the room, passing over Malachai, Ziel, and Nathan.

"Where's Trinity?" I question, looking at each of them individually. Nathan shifts uncomfortably while Malachai turns and looks back at me. I scan over them again... No Dominic either...

"...She left with Dominic..." Nathan says quietly and I look back at him. I narrow my eyes.

"He left out the part where she asked to see his wings and he said sure, only if she would go somewhere private with him. She accepted and they left through a passage." Malachai explains a little more in detail.

"How long has she been with him?" I question urgently. I don't like her being with him.

Ziel shrugs, "Twenty minutes, maybe more, maybe less?"


"Dominic... You're really heavy..." I struggle out, sitting on the hard ground with Dominic slumped against me. He turned into putty in my hands. His wings block all areas of my view, shielding us from the outside world, masking us in darkness. His head rests against my shoulder and his arms are around me tightly while he breaths slightly heavy. My fingers are curled up into the shirt Dominic gave me to hold, trying to keep them warm although they are already going numb in the cold.

"You're heavy..." I repeat, gently pushing against his chest.

"Are you calling me fat?" He mumbles into my shoulder.

"No, you're just much bigger than me and you becoming dead weight against me doesn't help." I say quietly and he laughs quietly, slowly sitting up. He stares into my eyes, an inch from my face. Up close, even in the dark, I can see his dark eyes, churning like dark waters, dark blue. I wonder what he was like before he was a Demon. His face lingers so close to mine for longer than comfortable before he starts getting up, offering me a hand. I take his hand and pulls me up, gripping my hand tightly. His wings twitch rapidly a few times before beginning to disappear into his back. He holds my hand tightly, looking down at our hands before bringing my knuckles to his lips. He closes his eyes and lightly presses his lips to each and every knuckle before ending on the back of my hand.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now