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I open my eyes and I am standing in a middle of a room, surrounded by people. All the women are wearing wide elaborate dresses with tall stacked hair. The men all look dapper in their timely fashion. At the sight of what these people are wearing, I know what time period this is. 1700's. Dominic explained these clothes to me before.

"I just don't know, Irene..." I look over at the girl standing next to me. Her dark hair is styled up and her dress isn't nearly as wide as some of these women standing around. I realize that she is staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"W-What?" I question and she laughs, rolling her eyes. I look around and notice that I am also wearing a dress adorned with lace and ruffles. As I am looking down, a blond piece of hair falls into my vision. I am instantly confused. My hair isn't blond... it's brown. Suddenly someone takes my hand and I look up as they press their lips against my knuckles... Dominic. It's like I am no longer in control of this body as I feel my cheeks heat up and a smile come to my face.

"Hello, I'm Dominic." Dominic smiles and lowers my hand some.

"I-Irene..." The name escapes my lips and if I was still in control, my smile would drop immediately. This is when Dominic met Irene... Before Eli killed her. The girl next to me smiles and nudges me before saying a quiet 'good night' and leaving us.

"What a beautiful name..." Dominic says smoothly and I feel my heart flutter under his intense gaze. I know exactly what Irene must be thinking at this very moment... Wow... I take in his appearance and think back at when he was telling me that he thought he looked like a fool in the clothing of this time period. He couldn't look more handsome.


It seems he is heading north. He crossed across the border of Colorado and into Wyoming last night. I stare at the map, still trying to figure out what his plan is. He could be heading to where he hid Trinity or away from possibly. A loud thump grabs my attention and I turn to see that Nathan rolled off the sofa he was sleeping on. He slowly sits up, looking tired.

"Ouch..." I hear him mumble to himself before he uses the sofa to help him stand.

"What do you got?" He almost trips of the leg of a table, but quickly catches himself, knocking down a notepad and pen in the process.

"He's still heading north..." I say and that's all I know for sure.

"What's in Canada?"


Dominic and I talk all night, laughing at random things, except it's not actually me who is talking, it's Irene, I'm just an observer, looking through her eyes. My heels click loudly as Dominic and I walk slowly toward Irene's home. Neither of us says anything, but it's not awkward or uncomfortable, it's peaceful. I walk with my hands clasped in front of me and Dominic stands as close as he can with the dress cage. My feet stop moving outside of a house surrounded by a stone fence. Irene's house.

"This is me." I say lightly and Dominic stops beside me.

"Shame we have to part so soon." A laugh escapes my mouth as I turn and face him.

"We have only been talking all night." A smile creeps onto his face as he glances down at his feet.

"Maybe we can meet up again soon?" I smile and nod which makes his smile grow some. He reaches out and messes with a strand of my blonde hair. I smile shyly.

"Goodnight, Dominic." I whisper and he tilts his head slightly before leaning in and lightly pressing his lips against mine. His kiss is extremely passionate. I remember this. He pulls away but his face lingers inches from mine.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now