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"Trinity..." Dominic cautiously walks toward Trinity who sobs quietly over Eli. Trinity looks up, tears rolling down her cheeks and hatred engulfing her eyes. She's obviously weak... Too weak to fight with Dominic at the moment and her shoulders cave in and she starts sobbing, glaring at Dominic. She strokes the side of Eli's face and hugs him tightly to her, her whole body trembling.

"Eli..." She mumbles, burying her face into his dark blue shirt. "Oh... Eli... Why... Why?" She cries loudly. We all stand around, unsure of what we should do. We don't know if we should try to comfort her or ignore her and continue searching. If we go to comfort her she could just lash out on us because this is part of her Demonic side. But if we ignore her it could affect Trinity when she wakes up in real life.

"Oh... Why did you do this? Stupid!" Trinity cries to Eli, staring at his pale face. I glance at Dominic to see him staring at them on the floor, pain filling his eyes as he takes in his dead brother's body. Trinity's hand grips Eli's shirt tightly as she shakes violently. She starts crying even louder, making me flinch. She's in so much pain... I can feel it... It's radiating off of this piece of her. A part of her really did grow feelings for Eli. She must have saw a side of him none of us really knew... besides the fact that they probably had sex... That sucks for Etheriel. He has to go through all of this and he loves her so much yet he has to see her go through all of this, all of this pain... And then there's Dominic, who is also in love with her and he doesn't get the luck to be with her and has to watch her and Etheriel be together.

"We should keep going." Ziel interrupts my thoughts and I look at him before glancing at Dominic who is still watching the sobbing Trinity.

"Dominic..." He slowly looks at me, almost the same shade as Eli's body. "We should go... find her Humanity." I say cautiously and he slowly nods, glancing back at Trinity. I walk carefully past Trinity and toward a back hall. She's so close, I can feel her soul. We come to a metal back door and I open the door quickly. Another door sits a few feet from this door, but this one is ornate and grand. Ziel laughs quietly and I look back at him.

"Of course... They surrounded her in Heaven so the Demonic energy couldn't get to her that easily." I look back at the door. It does look like something that would be in Heaven. Ziel opens the door and I am momentarily blinded by the stark whiteness of the room past the door. Now that the door is open, I can really sense her Humanity within. I take a step onto the white marble floors. It's a bedroom adorned in all white. White tables, white chairs, white dressers, white side tables, a white bed with white sheets and pillows along with a white comforter. My eyes stop on Trinity, lying on top of the covers, unconscious. I quickly go to her side and check for a pulse to make sure she is okay. Her pulse is light and barely there at all, but that's not what I realize first. She's so cold, like ice. Her chest rises and falls lightly.

"Is she okay?" Dominic asks, clearly concerned. He stands at the foot of the bed, his eyes raking up and down her body, looking for any sign that she could be injured.

"I don't know... She's so cold and I can barely feel her pulse." I press the back of my hand against her forehead and it, like the rest of her, is ice cold.

"She's fine. It's normal. Her body slowed all of its functions which also affects her bodies homeostasis, making her cold." Ziel explains and I relax slightly as does Dominic.

"So what do we do? How do we get her to you know be her on the outside?" Dominic questions, staring at her pale, calm face.

"As soon as the Demonic energy is taken care of, we can wake her up and bring her Humanity to the surface safely." Ziel explains.

"What happens if we brought her up before the Demonic grace is gone?" Dominic continues to question.

"The Angelic Grace and Demonic Energy would continue to fight against each other and she would slowly get weaker and weaker until she died or one or the other won." Ziel responds. "If Etheriel and Nathan are still pushing their energy into her then the Angelic grace should win." He adds quickly. I sit on the edge of the bed and pick up a strand of Trinity's hair. I hope she is actually okay.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now