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  "Who are you?" I repeat and he takes a step closer, trapping me against the foot of the bed.

"Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm Sammael." I run that name through my name and I don't connect that name to anything that I know about Demons or Angels or Hell or Heaven, which is honestly very little. I start to feel lethargic and he tilts his head, a smirk slowly forming on his face as he watches me sway lightly.

"What.... are y-you doing to... me?" I mumble and his smirk grows wider. I grab a hold to the bed post to keep myself standing.

"I'm going to get my son back." He ignores my question and his eyes shift to Eli's body. His eyes then shift back to me. "And you're going to help me." I clutch the post tightly and narrow my eyes at him.

"No, I'm not." I mumble and I almost collapse, but Sammael grabs my upper arm tightly and holds me up.

"Yes, you are." He pulls me away from the bed and then throws me across the room. I hit one of the bookshelves, making books topple onto me. I lightly groan and use a shelf to help me to my feet, but only get so far before Sammael appears next to me and slams me into another bookshelf. His hand is around my throat, holding me inches off the ground. Books rain down on us and his dark reddish eyes pierce through me.

"You will help me." He says emotionlessly. I can't get any words out so I shake my head. His hand tightens around my throat and cuts off my supply of oxygen. I start clawing at his hand as he just stares at me. My nails dig into his skin and my feet try to find leverage on the shelves behind me. "You will help me." He repeats and once again I shake my head. He narrows his eyes a little and then slams me down onto a table, knocking some open books off onto the floor. His grip around my throat loosens a bit and he is suddenly on top of me. His dagger is in his hand and he presses it in between my ribs.

"No matter what, I will not help you." I spit out in between gritted teeth as searing pain from the dagger spreads out along my rib cage. He tilts his head slightly and something in his eyes change. His eyes become slightly redder and it seems like the color starts to rotate around his pupils. I start to try and get away from him desperately.

"What are you doing? Get off me!" I yell and shove against Sammael's chest. He twists the blade and I let out a scream which is stopped short by him covering my mouth with his hand. Black specks dance in and out of my vision until everything just dulls out and goes black.

My ribs are searing with pain and breathing hurts. I open my eyes and try to roll over, stopping short and letting out a gasp as pain shoots along my ribs.

"Ah, you're awake." I shoot up into a sitting position and immediately regret it from the pain. I'm still on the table that I passed out on and my shirt is covered in my own blood. Sammael is leaning again the wall across the room by the door, watching me closely. My heart picks up its pace slightly. What did he do to me? What is he planning to do to me? He tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me, reading my thoughts. I slide off the table and wrap one arm around my throbbing ribs.

"What do you want from me?" I ask with hostility and he straightens up and takes a single step toward me.

"Like I told you, you are going to help bring my child back." I narrow my eyes at him and slowly shake my head.

"No, I'm not." He shows a small smile as he raises his hand and points to the side of his ring finger which has a rather big colored stone on it.

"You will." I give him a confused look and he nods toward my hand with his head as he gets an amused look. I look down at my left hand and then lift it up to look at. My heart practically stops beating at the sight of the two small dots that are on the side of my ring finger. They look like they could be tattoos, but I recall one of Dominic's worries and I know that they are not. I look back up at Sammael and he has an amused look in his eyes.

"Your life or help me get Mammon's soul back from the Pits." He has a small smile placed on his lips as he glances at Eli's body and then back to me. "Think about the offer. Go back and show Asmodeus and those Angels. Think it through and then come back to me. You know where to find me." He takes a step back and opens the door, shutting it soundlessly behind him. I look down and stare at the two dots. If I let my hand rest normally, the dots are hidden by my middle finger. I look at Eli one last time before struggling to open a passage and going through it. I step out onto the black granite and instantly a glass shatters. Tears blur my vision as I stare at Dominic, who is now facing me, but was obviously leaning against the kitchen counter drinking alcohol which he dropped the glass he was drinking out of.

"Trinity!" He sounds extremely surprised. His eyes drop down to my shirt which is covered in blood and has a gash by my ribs from being stabbed. He quickly comes toward me. "What happened?" The first tear of many spills out of my eyes and I go to Dominic and wrap my arms around him. It takes a second before he wraps his arms around me tightly. "Hey... What's wrong?" He asks softly and he starts brushing glass back with his foot.

"I went to your home today... Eli's room..." Dominic tenses slightly, but continues to listen. "Sammael showed up." He freezes and then loosens his grip some and looks down at me.

"My father?" I nod and take a step back.

"I shouldn't have went... Dominic... The Mark of Death..." I raise my hand and show him the two dots. "He wants me to help him get back Eli or he is going to kill me." He takes my hand and stares at the dots.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper and Dominic looks up from my hand and into my eyes.

"We are going to do what we always do. We are going to protect you and we are going to fight for you." He pulls me into a tight hug and takes us through a passage. Footsteps bound down the stairs as he pulls away. We are back at the house. Dominic suddenly pulls me toward him just as an Angel blade whizzes past us in the dark.

"Nathan! It's just us." Dominic says harshly and the lights flip on as two more pairs of footsteps come down the steps.

"What's going on?" Etheriel asks and comes over to me, taking me from Dominic.

"Trinity went to Hell and my Father found her. He gave her the Mark of Death." Etheriel looks down at me. "He wants her help getting Eli back."

"And how in the world is she suppose to help?" Nathan asks.

"I don't know and I'm sure he doesn't know yet either." Dominic responds and looks at me, deep in thought. "We have to get her somewhere safe." He continues.

"Do you have somewhere safe?" Malachai asks, tilting his head.

"No, nowhere that is under the radar of other Demons and Angels." Dominic replies and begins to pace. Etheriel holds me protectively like someone might just bust in and attack me, which someone actually might. I shouldn't have gone to Hell without anyone. How could have I been so dumb?

"I know a place." Etheriel says suddenly and I turn and look up at him, confused.

"Where?" Nathan asks curiously.

"A place far away from civilization... with an old friend I know."  

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora