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"Was that the only injection so far?" I question the Angel, sitting in a chair in front of him.

"No, she is about to get a third injection." The Angel finally started to comply... kind of.

"Is it Dominic's blood?" I lean in slightly. He looks off to the side.

"Yes." He mumbles and his eyes flicker around the room, landing on Malachai who is resting on the bed. Dominic is outside having a little break since he has been in this room beating this Angel for almost three days straight.

"Bring her back." I command lowly and he leans back in his chair and a small smirk comes to his face.

"No." He gives a short reply, staring into my eyes.

"I'll bring Dominic back in here... and instead of talking, civilly, with me, you can be beat by him until you comply." I talk to him lowly and he narrows his eyes at me.

"No... No reason to. If their plan works out, she'll be back soon." He smirks again and I stare before standing and picking up the chair, putting it back where I got it. Malachai watches, interested. The Angel slumps forward and looks at Malachai.

"Where did you find this broken guy?" The Angel asks referring to Malachai. Malachai crosses his arms in front of him and stares back at him.

"Trinity found him and brought him back." I reply and he holds back a laugh, biting his lip.

"Soo... he's like a stray dog?" The Angel raises an eyebrow and sits up straight, turning toward Malachai some. He kind of seems like a stray dog. He follows us around like one, lost without Trinity to follow.

"I'm not a dog..." Malachai mumbles, looking disappointed by the comment. He sulks for a full three seconds before looking up, calm again. "What's your name anyways?" I look at the Angel. None of us thought about asking for his name. Well, we all were too focused on other things to be caring about what his name is.

"Ziel." He replies quietly. Low level angel. I've never heard of him yet as soon as he fell he caused so much trouble... Trinity. A pit forms in my stomach and I sit on the edge of the bed as far from Malachai as I can get. Maybe there's a chance that the blood with bring her back here and then filter out of her system before it can completely take over.


Dominic pushes the needle into my arm and pushes down the plunger, pushing his blood into my veins. It stings as it spreads through my veins, but the pain isn't nearly as bad as it was the first two times. The stinging soon dies down into an intense tingling all over my limbs. Dominic watches me closely before getting off the bed and taking the syringe across the hotel room and into the bathroom. I drop back on the bed and just lay on top of the comforter while staring up at the off-white ceiling. Dominic decided that I shouldn't be in Hell when getting the injections because it could cause too much stress on my soul. I woke up here, on top of the comforter and sheets.

"Going to go back to sleep?" Dominic's voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn my head to look at him, leaning against the wall near me.

"No... At least I don't plan on it." I reply and he gives me a small smile. I yawn some and Dominic laughs, looking down at the floor.

"You're going to fall asleep again." He predicts while smiling.

"Why do you say that?" I roll onto my side so that I am more comfortable.

"Because your body is working against the blood and the injection wears your body out so that you're tired and sleep to regenerate energy." He responds and looks up at me. I yawn again and he lets out a small chuckle. I crawl up the bed and slip under the sheets.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now