Dropping Bodies

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I flip through the pages of an old book in some language that I can't read.

"You can read this?" I question and look back across the room at Eli, lying in his bed with a sheet covering his waist and below that. His eyes follow me around his room as I look at everything that gains my interest.

"Yeah." He responds and sits up, standing up, completely bare. I watch him confidently walk over to me. His eyes scan what I am wearing, one of his button up shirts I found in the closet and that's it.

"What is this book about then?" I turn back around and look down at the book.

"It's a story book... Filled with stories that my mother use to read us." He says and reaches around from behind me and runs his finger down the edge of the page.

"In Heaven?" I question and turn back around, staring up at him.

"No, here, in Hell. She's the wife of the man who took Asmodeus and I, plus the rest of our brethren in after we were painfully twisted into Demons." He tilts his head, staring down at me. His mouth smashes down on mine and he pushes me back against the table some. His hand travels up my thigh and under the loose shirt, up to my waist. He lifts me up and sets me on the table, pushing the story book off onto the ground. His mouth travels to my neck and I tilt my head, allowing him more access.

"Round three?" I mumble, wrapping my legs tightly around him. Demons have extremely high sex drives. His lips move down my neck to my collarbone and his hands unbutton his shirt I am wearing as he travels further down. A question comes to mind as his lips return back up to my neck.

"Can Demons get pregnant?" I question lightly and he pauses his kissing.

"No... We can have sex as much as we want and not worry about the consequences." He mumbles against my skin before pulling away and looking at me. "Did you want kids?" He questions and tilts his head, placing the palms of his hands against the table on both sides of me, leaning toward me.

I shrug, forgetting why I asked in the first place. "No." I reply shortly and he tilts his head. "Maybe it's different with you since you were born a Nephilim. You might still be able to have kids." His hand slides onto mine and he squeezes it. I stare up at him before hopping off the table and pushing past him, starting to button the shirt back up.

"I don't want kids." I say blandly and uninterested. I feel Eli stare at me as I cross the room heading toward a door.

"Where are you going?" He questions and stops me in my tracks. I turn to face him and shrug, unsure of where I am going, just wanting to get out of the conversation. Something catches ,y eye before I open the door. I turn and walk to it. A piece of thick yellowed paper with handwriting scrawled across it in a different language.

"What's this?" I point to it and look over my shoulder at Eli who is pulling on black jeans. He buttons his pants and looks at the scrap of paper I am pointing to, resting on a table with several books opened around it.

"Oh, that's the spell that made the Angels fall." He approaches me without a shirt while shoving his hands into his pockets. The door opens suddenly and a man enters looking around for someone. He looks to be somewhere between 30 years old and 45 max. He has a small marbled scar on his cheek bone. The man's eyes stop on me briefly before going to Eli.

"I thought I sensed Asmodeus..." He says to Eli and Eli raises an eyebrow. "Guess not..."

"He is not here, but you may be sensing Trinity. She was corrupted using his blood so it no doubtfully still runs through her. Plus their life spans are linked. Eli provides an explanation flawlessly like he has had time to think about it and put it together.

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