Solved For Now

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Dominic stares at me for a long time before saying anything.

"Are you sure?" He questions lightly and the bowl plus the ingredients inside bursts into blue flames, casting light on one side of Dominic's face as he watches me.

"Yeah... I need to get back." I reply and he nods silently, starting to approach me. Suddenly the hair on my arms stands on end and chills send goose bumps down my arms. Dominic stops walking and goes alert, looking around.

"What is it?" I question in a hushed tone while spinning around. What is this feeling?

"I'm not sure." He whispers to me and his demon blade appears in his hand as he slowly approaches me while looking around carefully. He reaches his hand out to me and motions for me to close the distance between us. I quickly go to his side and he grabs my wrist, a little rough, and pulls me behind him as he scans the forest around us. What is happening? Who, if it is someone, is causing this sensation? My vision wavers doubles for a second before darkening some. My hand tightly closes on Dominic's hand that is on my wrist and he glances back at me. His eyebrows furrow together in a concerned fashion and he turns all the way to me, setting his other hand lightly on my arm.

"What's wrong? You look like you're about to pass out." His tone sounds concerned as he whispers to me and when he stops talking a dull ringing starts and I know what is happening. I'm about to me pulled from this time.

"G-Get everything set up... H-Hopefully I'll be dropped back near you after this moment." I stutter and start leaning toward his warmth, my energy being sapped away from me. He stares down at me, holding me up, with a confused look in his eyes. My vision darkens all the way and everything falls away around me.


I flinch as a cry comes from the Angel back in the hotel room. I shut my eyes and continue to lean against a post. The Angel absolutely refuses to bring her back and I'm worried sick. Every moment she's there with Dominic is another moment closer to being injected by Demon's blood and being poisoned. I run a shaky hand through my hair and let out a slow breath of air. It's going to be okay... Dominic will get him to cooperate...

Another cry fills my ears and I look up at the light snow coming from the grey sky. It's sticking to some things, but other things, like the black top of the parking lot, it lingers then slowly melts. There will be a thin coat of snow covering everything within an hour or so. Trinity's missing the snow...

"Etheriel..." I turn at Dominic's voice and look at him standing in the doorway of the room. His hands are covered with blood and his hands are shaking violently. I can tell he is struggling to keep from breaking off from reality. He clenches and unclenches his fists.

"Yes?" I question quietly. His eyes appraise me for a split second, wondering if he could take me.

"I got him to put her back into your timeline... and he's unconscious... again." He responds hollowly before turning and walking back into the room, his motions stiff. I relax some, but not a lot since she's still not back in my arms. At least we got some time to figure out how to get her back before she starts injecting herself with Demon blood. She can't do that... She will be corrupted. Her whole personality would probably change. She would no doubtfully go back to Dominic because how he radiates Hell and that's what she would feel pulled towards. I can't see her back in his arms, bending to his will and following everything he says...

If she doesn't die from the process first.

I've never heard of what would happen when a Nephilim's blood is corrupted by Demon blood. She would be a Human-Angel-Demon mix. Demon being the most prominent thing to show because the Demon part would attack and dominate over the Human part of her and then the Demon and Angel sides would fight against each other. If Dominic would use his blood, the Demon side would completely dominate over the Angel side.

Falling ~Book Three of Winged~Where stories live. Discover now