Baby Bear sized Hugs

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Sang's POV

   Things are going as planned as we walked back to my house. After we cross the road, I flop down and stare at the clouds floating above me.  Jess plops down beside me with a sigh.  Everyone else has already walked by me but Kota.  Now I have to hope he's as protective as Erik usually is and stays with us.  As I predicted he sits down his leg almost touching mine as he sits with his knees bent next to me. I can feel him looking at me. "That one looks like a ferris wheel." I point up to get his attention away from me.  Ferris wheel really where did I come up with that one.  Luckily Jess plays along without missing a beat, "Nope looks like a bunny to me." Once Jess says that Kota looks up.  I grab his sleeve and pull, he falls back with a thunk as his breath gets knocked out of him for a second. Hopefully I can distract him enough not to think about the force I used to pull him down.  So I giggle.  As he turns to look at me I nervously lick my lips.  His eyes are locked on my lips now.  Ok need to get another distraction.  I mentally plead with Erik to help get his attention off of me.

     "Sang, get your ass off the grass do you want to explain to the stepwitch why you have grass stains on the back of your clothes?"  Really he had to go there, I was going to blast him for that one later but for now I have a role to play. 

      We all sit up and laugh.  Kota jumps up and extends his hands out to help us up.  I look over to Jess and like the bff she is turning out to be knew what I wanted her to do without me even having to tell her.  We both grab a hand.  I see he is braced for us to use him as leverage but neither of us do so he pulls with enough force for both of us to stand.  Jess lets go sending me flying into Kota's arms.  Both of us fall wildly to the ground.  I just stare at him for a moment as Jess laughs behind us. 

     "Oops, I'm sorry did I hurt you?" I all but whisper since our noses are almost touching.  I just keep looking into his eyes.  He has beautiful eyes... Wait for it.... cue throat clearing.  Good girl Jess perfect timing.  I attempt to get off him as gracefully as possible.  Oh no, when I heard his grunt and see him curl up I knew I ended up hurting him.  I knew I could heal him but that would give myself away so without thinking I say the first thing that comes to mind.  "I'm so sorry, do you want me to kiss it and make it better?"  I hear a soft gasp and Jess whispers in my ear, "Do you realize exactly where you just offered to kiss and make better considering he's curled in a ball, think about it."  Oh holy hell, I know my face is turning red and I'm scared to look him in the eyes.  Hopefully he'll forget about what I just said but I highly doubt it.

     "Hey Kota you gonna sleep outside? Because if you do I call dibs on Sang's floor, and if you outside you can't stop me Muahaha!"  Luke you idiot this is not a part of the plan. I appreciate him trying to save me from an uncomfortable situation but still.   I feel my face get hotter as I start to get more and more frustrated.  I hear a thump and see Luke rub the back of his head and send a quick mental thanks to Erik who I know popped him. 

      After a few minutes Kota gets up gingerly.  He seems more determined than before though, more sure of himself.  I need to take this into consideration, this was not what I  anticipated from him.  I wonder what's going on in his mind right now.  Which gives me the perfect way to find out.

      "Quick change of plans boys, we are going to play truth or dare tonight.  I need to find out what Kota's thinking.  He seems determined to do something and didn't get that way until Luke called out to him.  Is there any ideas off hand why that is?  Oh and fyi there are no boundaries on questions or dares boys as long as you fish out whatever I'm wanting answered. Same goes with food, I can make just about anything you may want.  I love to cook. Erik don't even think about commenting on that remember I know where you sleep."  All I hear is laughter and someone mumbling yeah he wants to sleep on your floor that's what he's determined to do but he's gonna have a lot of competition for that coveted spot. I barely keep myself from fully blasting back, "Ok who just said that."  All I was met with was utter silence, no one wanting to admit they said it.  Great it now appears there is going to be a competition tonight and these silly boys seem to think I'm the prize.  We'll see about that.

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