Oh what a tangled web...

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Sang's POV

    I'm not sure how I feel at this moment. I thought I could trust those boys. Maybe this is my cue that I'm just not meant to have friends. Maybe I can have Erik convince the parentals that I should be homeschooled or something. That way I don't have to be around people who I would inadvertantly assimilate or have to pretend to be *ugh* Erik's girlfriend. Sounds like a win win in my book. Then the crashing realization hit that if I did that I would be subjected to spending all day long with the step witch. Oh what to do, what to do?

Jess was calmly sitting on my bed when I entered the room my thoughts twirling through my head. "You didn't hurt them right?" She asked timidly. I felt instant shame at what she may be thinking.

    "Of course not. All Erik is going to do is modify and change their memories. All of the adventurous fun that happened today involving me will be wiped from their minds. They also won't remember ever seeing us in a restaurant where we used to live. He then hopefully changed their perception to the point any time they look over here they won't see me even if I'm in plain sight of them. It's almost like their brains won't acknowledge that they even see me here. That's still a new aspect of his ability so I'm not sure if that will work or not." I sighed at that thought. I hated the fact that they wouldn't see me or be here with me but it was unavoidable. I couldn't risk our safety just for my out of control hormones. Sure they were really, really cute and sweet and funny and perfect, but I can't mess up, I don't think I can handle moving again.

    She sent me a smile that instantly reassured me that everything was going to turn out okay. "So what exactly was plan A, because I have a feeling we may need to come up with a better one if you are that unsure about it. I'm here to help, you are the first girl friend I've ever had and I'm not willing to give you up even if it means lying to my brother every day." My heart swelled with love for this precious girl who yesterday I didn't even know existed. My mind wanders as to how life can change so profoundly and dramatically yet can also bring you exactly what you needed even if you didn't realize you needed it. For example my new sister. I know rationally I shouldn't be this attached to her having only met her hours before but looking into her green eyes I feel like I've known her forever. If I had more experience with friendship maybe I wouldn't be this overwhelmed or maybe this was just the start of one of those epic lifetime soul binding friendships. Only time will tell I guess.

     I sigh with exasperation. "That would be Erik's "great plan" to pretend to be my boyfriend at school to keep me safe from boys attention. I personally think I should stay home and avoid people at all costs but my step witch wants me in school. Maybe I can change my appearance. That could work I can make myself look like Erik we are already twins I can make us identical. Ugh, but I don't think I can pull off pretending to be a boy. Help me come up with ideas please." I pleaded.

     I could see the emotions in Jess's eyes seconds before she launched herself at me enveloping me in a crushing bear hug. Dang, she must have been separated by birth from Erik, maybe she should have been his twin and not me. I internally laugh at my inner thoughts.

     "Yeah that's a really bad idea. I couldn't imagine having to pretend to be Kota's girlfriend. That would be way too awkward. I don't think the pretending to be a boy thing would work either. If you made yourself not so pretty that may help with the attention from boys and jealousy from girls but that won't do anything to help with being around that many people will it?" At least we were on the same page with the not being able to be his pretend girlfriend.

    "I'd have to be pretty to make myself not so pretty silly girl. I was thinking making myself taller and maybe look more like his sibling. It's actually kinda weird how we really don't look anything alike.  I never thought of it until the boys came into my life like a freight train but now I'm questioning everything." It was true everything I had known to be true I'm now questioning.

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