Chapter 4

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When I poofed in on Hidan I could tell he had been doing his daily ritual because he was all bloody with wounds on himself. I didn't care though I ran to him and he fell to the ground surprised as I started crying really hard into him. He's like my dad him, Deidara, Sasori and Konan are the ones I'll open up to but mainly him. In private he won't even cuss around me unless it's nessicary and he shows me his soft fatherly/loving side.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked quietly while rubbing my back.

"O-Oni-chan h-he..."I couldn't finish as a son came out. I rarely cry, who would when they've been raised by the Akatsuki.

"He what?" He asked confused but was still trying to comfort me.

"I-I saw him a-and he yelled at m-me and he doesn't remember me!!" I wailed out and gripped onto Hidan crying harder.

"Oh Tasha." He said saddle and hugged me while rubbing my back. "Shshshsh it'll be ok sweetheart I promise."

I just kept crying until darkness welcomed me.


I was sitting in the field that I used to play in when me and Oni-chan were little. He came running up but as he got closer he grew older and his gaze turned from kind to hateful.

"Who are you?! You hurt my friends! I don't want anything to do with you!" He shouted angrily at me and he pulled his arm back to strike.

"B-but Oni-chan" I said but my voice was as it ws when I was little. I looked down and I'm dressed how I was when I was kidnapped. I look up in time to see Oni-chan swing at me and I scream.

~End dream~

I sit blot upright shaking and start crying again. Thinking "Oni-chan hates me he'll never love me again."

I hear a grumble and quickly wipe my eyes and see Hidan laying next to me asleep.

"He must have stayed to comfort me." I thought. "I need to get away they'll leave me too once they see I'm unuseful or they'll kill me without a care."

I get up silently and gather my weapons and stuff strapping the on but using bandage to hold my sword up instead of the Akatsuki cloth which I tuck away deep in my weapons pouch. I sneak out of the hideout in the middle of the night when I know no one is awake. But I leave the flower Konan made me infront of her bedroom door before leaving. Once I'm outside I run, I run like there's a monster on my heels trying to kill me, I run for my life.

Everything is a blur the only light guiding me in my steps is the moon as I run from everything I've held dear for my own safety.

By morning the trees start thinning and I don't feel a bit tired. But when the tree line breaks I see desert and stop.

"What should I do the Kazeage is allied with Konohana I can't go they could hand me over and I can't take the pain of his hate again. But I also can't stop they've probably noticed I'm gone by now..." I mutter to myself and sit down at the foot of a tree.

After taking a few minutes I grow a spine and start running into the sand in the direction I know that the village is.

In a few hours it comes into sight and I run faster. But when I get closer I see orange and yellow. Blonde hair, Oni-chan. I stop suddenly but that causes a sand to fly up which startles a guard because I hear a yell then foot steps. As I wave my hand around to clear the sand around me I see the Konohana ninja getting closer, with Naruto in front of them all.

I turn on my heel only to see a black haired man in a green jumpsuit in front of. Now that makes me jump back and because of my fear of that hateful stare from Naruto I lose my footing and land on my ass.

Reunitted: Naruto Shippuden fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora