Chapter 5

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I don't want to do the fight in Natasha's POV cause I suck at fight scenes but basically what I'm doing is Natasha fight Kakazu in the dessert instead of Naruto fighting him where ever he does cause I forgot.



Kakashi's POV:

I saw Natasha launch at the Akatsuki member and that's all I truly saw. She's so fast I can't even keep track of her moves with my sharingon(sp?) eye. But it seems that Akatsuki can see her plenty fine because he isn't getting hurt everytime there's a flash toward him like an attack.

"What's happening I can't tell." Naruto mumbled and I just shook my head.

"I can't tell either she's moving faster than Guy ever could." I say and that irked Guy.

"Never! She may be youthful but I'm more youthful than her!" Guy exclaimed.

"That's right Guy-sensei is the fastest person alive!!" Lee shouted backing up Guy. I sighed and looked back at the fight to see one of the mask things gone.

"Kakazu why do u hav to have five hearts? I mean seriously, I was running all night and most this morning I wanna fuckin' nap." I heard the girl grumble.

"To bad I have to kill you or I'll get shit for losing all that money over the years because of you bitch." Kakazu said while glaring. But she only laughed.

"Hidan really rubbed off on you didn't he? And you know I'll kill you." She said.

He smirked and I just noticed that another mask was gone. I glanced around and saw it going into the sand I felt a rumble and it came up behind Naruto. She saw his smirk and looked behind her. Her eyes widened and before we could blink she pushed Naruto away and into Sakura, right as the mask attacked. I heard her scream out in pain before it went back to Kakazu.

She turned and looked like a murderer at Kakazu.

"You do not touch Oni-chan!!!" She growled angrily and disappeared only to see Kakazu topple over with her on him. He used her katana and stabbed him in his hearts quickly.

"I warned you people not to touch him!!" She screamed as she stabbed his last heart with her katana. She then got up and slowly walked to Hidan's head and glares at him she started talking to where we couldn't hear her though and I simply watched. (A/N: I said I suck at fight scenes so sorry.)

~Natasha's POV:

"Was Deidara in on this? And Sasori? Are they even still alive?" I asked glaring.

"Both were in the charade everyone was you stupid bitch. Sasori was killed and Deidara ran like a pussy when his arm was taken though they don't know he's alive. And bitch you killed my man!!" He yelled the last bit so I slapped him across the face for yelling.

"Shut up he deserved death for trying to hurt Oni-chan." I stated than picked his head up. "There's no where to bury you that's near by." I sighed and looked over to the Konohana ninja. The silver haired Jonin was watching my every move carefully.

I let the stored energy leak out and heal any of my wounds. And threw Hidan's head at him.

"Here you can take them back to Konohana to research and shit. It's not really my home since I've been gone so long. And since I'm probably an S ranked criminal to you guys now." I gave a sad smile to them and started walking backwards from them. "Bye again On-" I started but there was a green blur and my arms were being held behind me quite painfully.

"Nice work Guy. We'll take her into custody and take the bodies." Kakashi said still holding Hidan's head.

"You're so unless you damn bitch!" Hidan yelled from Kakashi's hands surprising the Jonin. "What you never see a headless immortal before you asswipe?" Hidan said to Kakashi. Kakashi's visible eye widened.

"You may want to shove some cloth in his mouth to keep him quiet and his scythe is extremely heavy if someone can't carry it extend the metal cable and tie it around me and I'll drag it. I'm not going to fight I'm tired anyway." I say while glancing down at the ground with Guy holding my arms.

"Ha like we'd believe that! You just killed one Akatsuki member and immobilized the other." Guy proclaimed while tightening his grip.

"I have no where I could run the Akatsuki want me dead since I can't be used as bait as they wanted to do with me. My Oni-cha-, I mean Naruto doesn't remember me and apparently there is a high bounty on my head. What can I do? Some time I'm going to die anyway what's the point of prolonging it any longer?" I said in a broken voice. "I'll collect Hidan's arms and body for you. Almighty pull." I said doing one hand sign and focused on Hidan's parts pulling his arms and body around me. I then slumped my shoulders panting slightly.

"Why do you keep calling me Oni-chan I don't have a sister! And what did you just do?! You're a f-" Naruto started to yell but the pink haired girl stopped him.

"Naruto..." She said as she saw me flinch at his words. I looked up at the Guy. Will you just kill me? I don't want to be hated by my Oni-chan like this. I can't take his hurtful words. Please just end my life." I whisper as tears start to overflow again by the end of what I was saying. Guy looked at me and started to anime cry and hugged me in a bone crushing hug.

"Don't throw away your youth!!!! You were so youthful not long ago don't throw it all away!!!!" He shouted hugging me. I just looked at him blankly while crying and I saw orange, black and red off in the distance and I pushed Guy away as a smoke cloud formed as he ran toward us.

"Tasha-chan was bad!!!!!!! Tobi must get Tasha-chan or Tobi will be in trouble too!!!!" He chirped and tackled me to the ground.

"Tobi off!!!!!! Of I swear I'll burn your perv books and your candy stash!" I growled and he squeaked and got up off me quickly.

"No don't burn Tobi's precious!!!!!!!" He squealed and I sat up.

"Go back, say I'm dead along with Kakazu and that Hidan was buried in million of pieces and you can have this." I said biting my thumb, drawing blood and doing quick hand signs then slammed my hand on the sand. There was a poof and a giant bag of candy appeared making him squeal in joy.

"Tasha-chan gots a deal!!!!!!!!!!!" He squealed as he hugged it and ran off back toward the base with it. I coughed a little and flopped back on the sand.

"Tie her up." Kakashi said and I groaned.

"No let her sleep, she's low on chakra and just saved your asses multiple times." I mumbled and rolled down into a crater I made which happened to have Kakazu laying dead. I snuggles up to his dead body using it as a pillow. Someone followed me and jabbed my main chakra points then started tying me up. "Nooooooooooooooo I wanna sleep! Leave me alone!" I whined swatting futilely at the hands.

"Stay still." Hissed the person frustratedly. I wiggled around just to make it worse.

"No I wanna sleep!" I whined slithering away like a snake then suddenly stopped. "Ewwwww!!!!! I'm turning into that hickey giving pedophile!!!!" I squealed and leaped up to only fall flat on my face. "Forgot I'm low on chakra." I muttered.

The guy for earlier came over tied me up and tossed me to Kakashi who threw me over his shoulder. I went into the limp dear poss before blacking out.


This chapter done but I feel like the story is crappy! T~T

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