Chapter 9

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Me and Choji went shopping and he bought me some better fitting clothes, a bracelet and shoes. It was so fun, he actually told me how I look honestly. Not the normal "oh you look fine can we go now" boy response but an actual response that he meant. And he was so nice to actually buy me everything but I feel a little guilty since I'm not even chipping in with the cost.

"Shall we go to that barbecue place now?" I asked carrying one bag while he had the rest. "And give me more of the bags."

"No it's your birthday I'll carry them. And yes lets go I want food." He said smiling a little at me while his stomach grumbled. I giggled.

"Then lead the way." I said.

"Ok." He smiles and somehow managed to grab my hand while holding all the bags and led me off through the crowds.

When he finally stopped we were in front of the barbecue place and we could hear cheering and laughter from inside. Choji eye brows came together in confusion.

"I thought they were going for ramen." He mumbled and I know he meant for it to be to himself but I heard him. He glanced at me and looked apologetic. "Would you like something else instead? They're here and I don't want this to be ruined." Choji asked akwardly.

"If you want to though I don't care to be honest. I was actually kind of looking forward to the barbecue..." I said looking away a little. I heard give a little sigh.

"Okay I'll try to make sure nothing happens then." He said and pulled me inside. I couldn't help but smile at this. When a waiter took us to a table we passed the party. One person saw Choji.

"Choji you're late!!" Ino shouted at us and I hid slightly.

"Actually I'm not late I've been with my new friend." He responded.

"Then why doesn't this friend join us too! It's my birthday party afterall!" Said Oni-chan and I cringed.

"Naruto if me and her joined you'd scream at me then try and hurt her. So we're going to go to our table now." Choji said and I looked at him in shock. And he started to walk off pulling me along and they saw me.

"Why are you with her!? Choji that's not cool! You're blowing off your friend for years for a criminal!" Ino shouted standing up and pointing accusingly.

"Actually she's fun and cool and doesn't care if everyone hates her. I promised I'd be someone she could lean on since her brother doesn't care that she's all alone when she was with him as long as she could be." Choji said with venom pointed at them. "To be honest how she's being treated is how you were treated Naruto. But she is hiding everything better. All she wants is her brother who's being an ass to her." Choji finished but pulled me more and I pulled back to where we didnt move any.

"Choji I don't want you to do this, I don't want you to give up your friends like this." I said softly and took all the bags from him quickly before he could refuse. "Thanks for the shopping day I'll just go talk to lady Hokage now and get a place to stay you have fun with them."

I smiled then darted out the door toward the Hokage's office faintly hearing Choji call after me.





I know it's short but I didn't have a big idea

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