Chapter 13

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"Oni-chan." I mumbled while hiding behind Choji.

"What are you doing her Naruto?" Choji asked blocking me from site.

"I came to eat some ramen like I normally do. It just wasn't expecting to see her." At the end there was anger and almost disgust in his ton. I flinched at it and held onto Choji's back.

"Naruto she was here getting ramen as well. She's a customer just like you were when no one would accept you in the past." The old man interrupted.

"But that was different. It's just not the same. She's an S ranked criminal who's a danger to the village and should be locked up. She's a traitor." Naruto hissed and I looked down letting my hai create a curtain while feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Naruto that's enough!" Choji hissed with venom in his voice while he tried to pull me toward him. I just stood up though and turned to my brother crying

"Why are you being such an ass!? I was kidnapped when I was four!! And I had to face a band of criminals all alone! Hell I know that if the leader didn't think I was dead then he'd come here to kill me! The only one there that was decent was Zetsu because he was honest even if it was about him wanting to chop me up and eat me! Guess what if I didn't do what they told me to they would have taken you when you were four as well and killed u for the Kyubi!! I was trying to protect you and all you've done is be an ass while all I've wanted is for my BIG BROTHER to love me! But all I've gotten is the cold shoulder while I've been hurting and when I make two friends who could give me a little support you be an ass to me in front of me!! Are you happy now?!!?" I hadn't realized I was screaming until I finished and there was deathly silence even from outside the shop while tears streamed down my face.

I quickly darted out of the ramen stand leaving them all silent. I darted up the Hokage mountain to where I could see the whole village. I fell down and just started balling and punching the ground.

"What did I do? I don't deserve this it's not my fault I wanted to protect him." I sobbed as I continued punching the ground. "Why is he being an ass to me? I didn't want to leave I really didn't." I muttered while watching my tears make wet spots on the dirt.

I heard two voices and quick footsteps coming closer.

"Sensai I will win this time!!!!" Shouted one of them. I glanced up only to see two figures in all green with black bowl cut hair.

"Never! My youthful student you still need much training before you can too my weighted speed!!" The other shouted before laughing and easily passing his student. I wiped at my tears quickly before turning away from them where my face wouldn't be visible as they passed.

I guess they saw me because they're steps slowed down and I could feel them tense up.

"You're that criminal.... You should be under supervision. Where is your escort?" Asked the sensai as he slid into a fighting stance alone with a his student. I took a deep breath to try and steady my voice.

"B-back at Ichiraku's.... I ran after y-yelling at Oni-ch-chan." I said and mentally killing myself for my voice cracking multiple times.

"Why did you yell at him?" Asked the student suspiciously.

"Because I'm tired of everyone hating me for being kidnapped when I was four and staying so they wouldn't take the Kyubi from Oni-chan. You have no idea the pain I've been in because. Of everyone you guys. I never wanted to leave hell I've seen things that no four year old should have to. But none of you care. I'm not even sure if Choji is being nice out of pity or not. So leave me alone so wallow while you two race. I wouldn't destroy this village because no matter if people hate me or not it's my home." I told them while curling up and feeling tears come to my eyes.

"You'll always be alone. No one lives you and no one will. That boy only pities you he doesn't care." Said a voice in my head and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"What a youthful speach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted both of them while in tears themselves.

"You're so young but so strong!!!!!" Shouted his student as he got closer to me. "You're story was so heart wrenching and wonderful it can't be a lie!!!!!! You are so honest you youthful soul!!!!!" He cried and suddenly I was being hugged tight. So tight I could hardly breath so I head butted him in the head before slipping from his grip.

"Don't strangle me!!" I shouted and backed away from him. But his sensai then came up and hugged me but not as tight.

"Don't worry! I am the sexy green beast of Konohana, Might Guy!!" And you are youthful so I welcome you!" He cheered while hugging me.

"And I am the green hurricane of Konohana, Rock Lee!!" His student, or Lee shouted. (A/N: I forgot how he actually introduces himself so I made it my own).

To be honest I forgot he was there as I started drifting to how Hidan had acted as my father and would hold me similar to this.

My eyes widened and I quickly got away from Guy shaking my head.

"Don't ever hug me again. I don't want to remember, I only want to remember the lies so I won't hurt as much." I mumbled lowly.

"And why not?" Asked Lee curiously.

"Because the last time I was hugged I learned of everything I knew and believed of being true actually being a lie. I then ran, killed Kakazu and sliced up Hidan. It's that simple. I don't want to be hugged. " I stated. "Also if my chakra burst out again the person could die as well. And Hidan acted as my father but it wasn't real. He was the only one to really hug me while I was with them and I don't want to remember his lies." I explained looking down.

"Oh..... Alright then we shall be your hug guards!" Guy proclaimed striking a pose while Lee joined him. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"What's so funny?!" Lee asked and he almost sounded like he was pouting.

"Y-you guys!" I said and laughed harder and I had to hold my stomach.


Yay upload!

Sorry for the wait I'll continue to upload when I have time and have a chapter ready.





Let me know what you think and if you're dying for the next chapter of not

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