Chapter 19

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Everyone including Naruto had wide eyes while turning their heads to me.

"Hey she's related to him and has lived with like nine guys for years she's bound to have a big appitie." Choji said nonchalantly.

"But there's no way she can out eat me though!" Naruto shouted.

"Actually I out ate two immortals along with this half plant that eats humans. But we measured by weight against him because he eats even the bones and normaly has the biggest appitie....." I explained. "That was with eating regularly not like now where I haven't eaten for I don't know how long."

"B-but no one has been able to out me or Choji." Naruto muttered.

"We'll see bout that Oni-chan." I felt a smirk form on my face as the old man served the others ramen then placed two bowls infront of me and Naruto. I snatched my chopsticks and broke them before digging in faster than everyone around but still silently. By the time Naruto had even half his first bowl down I had both of mine down and stacked them waiting for more. The hot ramen hitting my empty stomach made my hunger worse and my stomach growled extremely loud were everyone could hear it. Choji looked over at me with bug eyes.

"Was that you?" He asked as everyone turned their heads to me.

"Yeah. Got a problem with a girl with an empty stomach? Unless it's because ya'll don't think you have enough cash to fill my stomach....." I ended up dying out at the end scared that my stomach would continue to be a problem.

"No it's just even Naruto's stomach or mine doesn't get that loud." Choji mumbled. I blushed deeply and I tried to hide itby ducking my head. However the tops of my ears turned red and peaked through my hair.

"Why are you blushing?" Shikamaru asked.

"I-I don't know..." I murmered still very embarrassed.

"It's probably because she's feels akward around so many people and doesn't have a way to pay for her food so she doesn't know if she should eat more or starve longer." Kakashi said with his nose stuck in an Ichi Ichi Paradise novel that Kisame used to read. I nodded slightly to agree. 

"Don't worry Natasha we'll pay for your food." Choji said around the noodles he was trying to slurp into his mouth.

"R-really?" I asked looking up then around at everyone's smiling faces.

"Of course Tasha-chan!!" Lee cried out clenching his fist in front of himself looking very determined.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't we pay for the meal? They do for me so they should do it for you too." Nauto said bringing his bowl up to slurp the broth left behind.

I smiled brightly at them all. "Thank you!"

By the time we all left we were all stuffed. Naruto ate 49 bowls of ramen while Choji ate 35 and I topped everyone at 53 bowls. Everyone was amazed at how much I could eat but they got over it quickly when they realized my and Naruto where twins so it would make perfect sense.

Everyone split their seperate ways to head home because the sun was getting closer to setting. Choji and I were on our way back to the Hokage office to get me back in my cell.

"Today was fun in the end wasn't it Natasha?" He asked and I nodded in response with a soft smile on my face. "I have a question to asked you Natasha." Choji said and I turned toward him my smile dropped immediately as I thought of the worst possible question he could ask. 

"W-What is it?" I stuttered in a small whisper.

Choji's POV:

"Today was fun in the end wasn't it Natasha?" I asked her as I glanced over at her. The softest and cutest smile I've ever seen cam onto her face as she noddedin agreement. I couldn't help but think of where I was taking her right now; back to that dark, cold cell where no sunlight entered.

"I have a question to asked you Natasha." I asked and she turned toward me, her smile dropped and I felt a weight on my chest as he gleeful attitude turned to a fearful one.

"W-what is it?" she whispered while stuttering.

"What would happen if I could convince the Hokage to let you stay at my house with me and my family?" I asked trying not to show the fear and worry I had for her.

Her face brightened and she smiled happily. The next thing I knew she was hugging me very tightly and almost desperately.

"Really? You would do that for me?" She asked me overjoyed.

"Yes I would." I said softly into her ear as I hugged her back gently like she was the most important treasure in the whole world. She relaxed and loosened her grip on me.

"Thank you so much." She whispered adn buried her head in my shoulder.

"The only thing is you'll have to spend one more night in the cell because I need to comfirm that it's okay with my parents and then convince the Hokage so I will get you to stay with us starting tomorrow okay?" I asked still holding her close. I felt her nod against my shoulder.

"It's okay I can handle that Choji as long as you still come to get me." She whispered.

"I always will come to get you when you need me Natasha." I whispered back.

We pulled away and walked to the Hokage office and I took her to her cell then left after a final hug. After dropping her off I quickly left and went home to ask my parents.

I could tell me parents where still up because the lights were still one. I walked in the door and slipped off my shoes before padding through the house to the dining room where my parents were waiting for me.

"Mom, Dad  I need to talk with both of you about something." I said obviously nervous as I sat on  my cushion at the table.

"What is it son?" My father asked obviously worried and my mother looked at me as if saying 'You better not be having a child!'

"Well I was w-wondering.... Could I possibly have a very dear f-friend stay here?" I asked my voice cracking slightly with my nervousness.

"What friend?" My father asked while raising his eyebrows in question.

"H-her name is Natasha and she's being forced to stay in a cell at the Hokage office. She's being held under false accusations and I don't want her to stay there because she's so nice and sweet that she doesn't deserve to be there. Please I swear we won't do anything o-" My mother slammed a hand over my mouth to stop my rambling.

"You want us to let a criminal stay here with us?" She asks me and I gulped.

"She's not a criminal. Mother she doesn't deserve this punishment. She did what she did to save Naruto and the village. She was four when she choose to do this for him, for us, and the rest of the village. She's a hero and deserves help and love that she hasn't had before." I said firmly not budging on wanting her to stay with me and my family. My father reached over and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and get her to agree with him. He then looked over at me.

"Sure son. I can tell you care greatly for this 'friend' so we will let her stay here." He said with a small smile. I felt like a child as I smiled so big I thought my face would tare open.

"Thank you!!!" I shouted/.


Sorry for the long wait. 




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