Chapter 11

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When I woke up I didn't feel rested at all. I cracked my eyes open and sat up.

"We'll that sucked." I mumbled and got up grabbing some clothes before heading into the bathroom. I set them next to the sink and grabbed a washrag.

I turned the water on hot and glanced inside seeing basic shampoo and a bar of soap.

"That'll do for now." Once the water was hot enough I stripped and jumped in. I quickly started to wash my hair getting out all the dirt and old oil quickly. Once I rinsed my hair I got the washrag and soap working up a lather. I washed my body quickly taking off a layer of skin to b sure the dirt was off. I rinsed and turned off the water before jumping out. I dried with one towel then towel dried my hair.

I sighed and got dressed quickly. I wore a white sleeveless hoodie over a pale yellow tank top with a long sleeve fishnet shirt under the tank top. Along with these I have an ice blue skirt on with blank ninja sandals. And to top it all off I have the bracelet clasped on my wrist.

I smiled and walked into my room with my hair still slightly damp. I brushed it quickly and left it down. I set the flower from Konan on top of the dresser before putting shoes on and leaving the room.

There was an Anbu by the stairs and I smiled at him as I walked past him and up the stairs.

"I wonder who's going to be in charge of me today." I mumbled as I walked to the Hokage's office. I knocked and went inside when she gave premission.

"Ah Natasha you have someone who requested to watch you and he'll be here in a few minutes." She said with a suggestion that I had no idea what it meant.

"Okay lady Hokage." I responded.

"Oh and you should keep your hair down more it gives you a look of innocence." She said giving a small smirk.

"Okay?" I said as more of a confused question. There was faint knock and she smirked more.

"Come in!" Lady Hokage said but it wasn't like normal. it was more little and fluttery like it was her date at the door. Once she said that she gave me a smirk that could belong to the devil.

Choji walked in and he looked around to find us and smiled at me specifically.

"Are you ready to go Tasha?" He asked and I blushed.

"W-why are you calling m-me Tasha?" I stuttered while blushing.

He scratched the back of his head looking kinda sheepish. "We'll it's just easier to say ya know."

I was frozen there, staring at him while blushing like mad. Well that was until the Hokage cleared her throat.

"We'll I have work to do so go now you two." Her voice was still light. Oh god she's playing matchmaker. She pushed me and him out of her office and slammed the door.

"Um, okay then. Well let's go get some food I highly doubt you've eaten since you ran off last night." He said and smiled at me.

He grabbed my hand and laced out fingers together. I looked down at them feeling my blush grow some and he just pulled me out of the Hokage building like it's normal to be with an S rank criminal.

"So what do you want to eat?" He asked and looked over at me.

"H-how about ramen." I mumbled and he smiled.

"You really are his twin. He would eat ramen for every meal and snack if he could get away with it." Choji chuckled.

"Really? He used to want it all the time but I guess that never changed." I let a small smile slip onto my face.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence I was being led into a small ramen bar named Ichiraku. It wasn't big but it was very welcoming and empty for that matter.

"Hello what can I get you two?" Asked the man behind the counter.

"Tasha how much can you eat?" Choji asked looking at me. I have him a dead pan look.

"I was four and I could out eat Naruto by twenty instant ramen cups. I could easily eat a bowl of each kind then decide what one my is my favorite and eat more of that one. But I already used a lot of your money so I won't do that." I said dead pan at the begging and mumbled near the end. He whistled.

"Wow I wish you and Naruto could have an eat off right now and see who would win." He said in amazement. "Well Naruto talks about miso ramen a lot so why not try that."

"Okay. Two bowls of miso ramen please." I told the man behind the counter.

"Coming right up." He said with a smile and turned around to go cool it.

I looked over to Choji. "Does he know I'm, ya know me?" I mumbled lowly to him. Choji nodded.

"All the citizens do but he's always been welcome even to Naruto when everyone else hated him. So he won't care to him you're a valued costumer like everyone else that comes here." Choji said smiling. I nodded and smiled.

"Great I have a place to eat without worry now." I said happily.

The old guy came over with my ramen and set the two big bowls down on the counter.

"Here ya go! two miso ramens." He said smiling. I smiled back at him and took the bowls.

"Thank you." I picked up my chopsticks and broke them. I grabbed the bowls edge and started eating it. It was delicious but I finished the whole bowl in like two minutes. The guy at the counter looked at me in shock.

"How can you have beat Naruto's time?" He asked in shock.

"I'm his twin sister and I used to out eat him. Probably still could if I wanted to." I said with a bitter sweet smirk.





T~T/) damn you school!!! I'm not going to be able update for a while

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