Chapter 8

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I'm just making this a Choji love story I think. Because I'm impatient with myself and bored while wantin to update.


"Ino stop she obviously doesn't like what you're saying so stop. What if you had a brother you hadn't seen for a long time and he hated you, and then someone started pointing that out rudely? You'd start crying." Choji informed, finally speaking up.

I glanced up an my eyes met his and I gave him a thankful look. "He's niceer than everyone else." I thought.

Ino seemed to blink and look slightly guilty. "But it's the truth Choji." Ino whined.

"I don't care. Put yourself in her shoes before you make something worse for her." He said then looked at me. "As you know I'm Choji, what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Natasha." I said softly watching him. He smiled a little.

"Nice to meet you and I'm sorry for the way Ino is acting." He said truly apologetic. "So where are you and Shikamaru going?" He asked.

I smiled hugely my mood lifting instantly. "We're going to the park me and Oni-chan went to all the time when we were little." I said happily remembering the good times I had there in the past.

"Mind if I come with I don't want to be around Ino due to her craziness." He said boldly making a vein pop up on Ino's head.

"Uh sure." I said stepping back from Ino.

"What a drag." Shikamaru mumbled. "But I guess is you come then I can take a nap."

"I course Shikamaru. Let's go." Choji say and he grabbed me hand an Shikamaru's wrist quickly walking away from Ino. Leaving her alone.

"I guess he's scared of her. Maybe he likes her." I think while a scowl forms on my face as an almost angry bubbling feeling forms in my stomach. "What's this feeling? It's different than anything I've felt before. Maybe I have a stomach bug." I pondered worriedly.

I didn't notice that Choji and Shikamaru had stopped until my arm was tugged pulling me to a stop a step ahead of them. I then slipped my hand from Choji's and ran off into the playground before us.

"It hasn't changed a bit!!" I squealed and jumped up. I twisted and flipped in the sir to where I landed on the swing correctly laughing.

I heard a chuckle then looked up. I forgot that I wasn't alone, my eyes went wide and I blushed seeing that Choji was chuckling at my actions.

"Happy much?" He chuckled and I looked down.

"It's just I haven't been here in 12 years. When none of the other kids were here and I didn't have to defend Oni-chan we would play and have so much fun." I said softly while starting to swing.

"Oh...I remember you I think. You always yelled at and hurt anyone who was mean to Naruto." Choji muttered. And I smiled.

"Yep!! I had to put a stop to it so me and him could have fun together." I said giving him a smile while swinging high. "Wanna see how far I can launch myself?"

"Preferably not. We don't need you face planting." Choji joked. Shikamaru scoffed and laid in the shade to nap. I laughed at Choji.

"I wouldn't land on my face." I said and the next time I swung foreword I flung myself off the swing and landed in a crouch in the sand box while the sand poofed up around me. I stood while coughing and waving a hand in front of my face.

I saw Choji chuckling at me. "Can't take a little dust?" He asked.

"I can take dust just not full on sand trying to invade my eyeballs!" I pouted. He chuckled at me.

"Okay then." He said with a big smile making him look really handsome.

"Hey, hey do you want to see a trick of mine?" I asked him excitedly hoping he's say yes then like the trick.

"Sure I guess." Choji said still chuckling.

I smiled really big and held my hand out toward him and focused my chakra there. I stayed focused until my hand caught flame and the flame left it. The flame formed into a tiny version of a Chinese dragon and started flaying around.

"Isn't it cool? I have to focus real hard so I don't burn myself but otherwise it's really easy after all the stuff I've been through." I said still smiling and watching the dragon dance and twirl around.

"It's amazing. I kinda wish I could do that. How did u even learn it?" he asked watching it closing and taking a step in my direction when it flew kinda close to him.

"We'll I used to do while bunches of creatures and have them dance around to cheer Oni-chan up. Or to provide light, warmth, and warm water when the land lord would turn things off on us hoping Naruto would die. But I made sure he didn't." I said getting a little sad.

"Oh wow. Even though you were younger you watched out for him a lot huh?" Choji said.

"Yeah cause he's my brother and everyone hated him but not me so I used that to help him but now the roles are switched. The only difference is he even hates me now and I don't have anyone looking out for me like he did. He had me and the third Hokage but I don't have one." I said looking up at the sky. I hadn't realized that while taking I had at on the swing and the dragon had curled around my neck and for once my chakra wasn't burning me or my hair.

"That's rough...ya know...I could be there for you if you want." Choji mumbled seeming embarrassed.

"Are you sure you want that? Naruto won't like it let alone anyone else. I wouldn't want to drag your relationship with others down." I glanced at him for a second before looking back up and holding in tears. 'I could've just pushed away the only one who cares.'

"Nah it's fine. I don't care what others think. I'm still loyal to the village and one hell of a ninja. So it don't bother me. Besides you need a friend." He said and pushes my shoulder a little.

I looked at him in shock. "A-are you sure?"

"Yep! So from today on we're friends." He smiled brightly and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Yeah!!" I exclaimed happily while giving a nod of my head. But then my smile disappeared. "But you need to go to Oni-chan's birthday party..."

"No he has the whole rookie class and all the sensais coming he won't even notice I'm gone. That and it's your birthday too, you deserve to celebrate as well." Choji smiled at me and again I was shocked by him.

"S-so you're going to c-celebrate with me?" I stammered. He nodded still smiling at me. Before I could think I tackled him with a bear hug.

"Oh my god! Thank you Choji!!!!!" I squealed before letting him go and jumping around like a retard. "So what are we going to do?!?"

"I'm think eat some barbecue at this nice place. But before that take you shopping for a birthday present." Choji said wheezing a little due to the tight bear hug.

"Ok let's go then!!" I said running to the park entrance then stopping and looking at the sleeping Shikamaru. "But what about him?"

"Leave him he'll be fine hell he'll think either the Anbu came early or I stole you." Choji said with a small smile.

"Ok well then let's go then Choji." I said happily and grabbed his hand and leaving the park.





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