Chapter 17

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The next day I woke up and felt, well like shit. My heart felt heavy and my eyes were sore. I laid there in bed not wanting to move knowing that I'd get up and ready for the day only to face the outside world.

I grabbed my pillow and snuggle it hoping to drift back into dream land and away from this harsh devistating reality but there was a knock on my door. But the person never waited for an answer and busted into the room.

"Natasha!! Are you okay we've been worried about you!" Lee said as he was followed into my small room or cell by Choji, Guy, and Team 7.

"I'm fine just trying to sleep off the pain..." I grumbled turning so my back was to them trying to give the vibe that I didn't want to be around people. But they didn't get the message I gues as I felt three dips in the matress near me.

"Natasha....." Choji whispered and I felt his hand touch my shoulder. "Naruto has some things to say... Will you here him out?" He asked.

"Like I have a choice, you guys bardged in here without premission and if I were to even try to fight back I'd be killed. So say what you need to say or do what you need to do." I said in a kind of sour tone but I just woke up, they bardged in my room and I want to be alone, wouldn't anyone be at least a lttle bitter to something like this.

"Okay....Naruto get what you need to say out." Choji said.

"And don't make her cry." Stated Lee in an almost threatening way and from where his voice was coming from I could judge that he was the second person along with choji invading my bed. And from the direction they were talking to In believe Oni-chan was also on the bed too.

"Well....... Natasha I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like I have I was just hurt from you leaving and scared that you actually wanted to be evil like the Akatsuki. You're my little twin sister and you were the person I relied on when we were little, you were the one that managed to get food for us without major problems, you played the role of the mother in so many ways yet you were younger....But I was really mean to you as soon as I saw you because all I could think of was you abandoning me though I knew it wasn't of your choice because you made sure to take care of me and love me like a mother....I'm sorry I know those words are probably hollow to you but I just can't say them enough. I should have never been mean to, and I'm sorry that I forgot my promise to you even thought that was the one thing you ever asked of me when we were little, to always be with you and never leave your side. I'm sorry little sis....." I could tell Naruto was pouring his heart out and had thought long and hard over this, probably not having slept all night, and I want to forgive hime I really do but my fear gripped a hold of me.

"Oni-chan.......I know you mean what you say ut put yourself in my shoes...I want to forgive you and say everything will be alright but I don't know ifI can....We have to work to be siblings again if we ever will be like we were in the past, but the village hates me this time around, kind of ironic ain't it?" Near the end I tried to joke lightly with him.

"I guess......Will you sit up for a hug?" He asked in an almost shy manor.

"I'm crashed in my pj's with basically a room full of guys being well u really think I'm going to be sitting anytime soon?" I asked in a duh tone and I swear he scratched his cheek in an akward motion.

"No...... But you should get up and go out to eat with us all. Choji told me that both times he tried to get you to go out to eat you never got to eat anything and since you're related to me you are probably starving." Naruto turned perky at the mention of food and seemed even more of a knucklehead than I remember.

"I guess but that requires males out of the room and giving me time to shower and dress." I grumbled being reluctant to leave my warm bed.

"Okay. Boys out of the room or I'll take your man hood!" The pinket that I don't ever remember learning the name to threatened and all the boys hustled out of the room.

"Thanks..." I said and quickly got up to take care of my buisness and leave to face the meal or day with these people.


Okay so things are kinda fixed between Naruto and Natasha now hope ya'll are happy debating on what I should do next to be honest, I may mess with the story line a little so fair warning.




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