Chapter 21:

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Natasha's POV:

I tightened my hold on Choji's hand as my nerves built on top of themselves. He squeezed my hand gently in response to my hold and slowly opened the door for me. I hesitantly stepped inside the entrance way and removed my shoes infront of the step. Choji followed behind me and did the same as me. He stepped infront of me and grabbed my hand gently before guiding me further into the house.

"Calm down Natasha they aren't awake ye-" He was saying to attempt to calm my nerves when a female voice cut in.

"Who isn't up yet?" Asked Mrs. Akimichi. I looked up at her surprised and my nerves grew greatly. Choji turned to look at her surprised as well.

"Oh mother I didn't think you guys would be up yet because of the time." Choji said trying not to seem nervous.

"Well we are, your father is taking a shower right now so both of you go sit at the table andwait for him to get done." She said and turned to walk back from where she came from.

Choji nodded and followed her and bringing me with him. As we passed the threshold I saw that it was the dinging roomthat connected to the kitchen that we had entered. He guided me to the table and pulled out a chair for me and as I sat down he pushed the chair in underneath me like a gentleman.

"Give me your bag I'll go put it up for you." He said extending his arm out to take my bag. I hesitantly handed him the bag and after he had the bag in hand he leaned down and kissed the top of my head before he walked away and down the hall, out of my sight. I bit my lip and glanced around nervously only to find his mom peering over the island counter in their kitchen at me. When I saw her observing me I became scared and pulled my feet up on the chair and hugged my knees to my chest. 

She kept staring at me like she expected me to do something unsuited for their household. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I perked up hoping Choji was coming back but it was not Choji who can through the door way. The man was in the middle of drying his hair but he looked very similar to Choji so I knew immediately that it was his father that walked into the room.

He looked over at me as I tried to magically shrink and become invisible. My nerves build with both of Choji's parents in the room without Choji here to help defuse the tension.

"Oh you're the criminalthat we will now be taking care of." Mr. Akimichi said. He walked past me into the kitchen to grab a plate of food that was sitting on the counter for him aparently. I looked down trying not to let him see how his wordsaffected me.

"Sir," I cleare my throat softly before continuing. "I am no criminal. I only joined them because the one person who had been precious to me was being threatened. Also the village was to and there was no way I would have been strong enough to kill a team of S-rank criminals. I know that these facts may not change you rmind but I would prefer if you would keepcomments like that to yourself because I will not tolerate it. I know this is your home and I am happy to be free of that cell but if you treat me like I am something I am not I will just leave to see if my brother will take me in instead of here with someone who has become very dear to me." My voice was smooth and calm as I spoke to Choji's parents. I looked up at him determined and stubborn to show that I meant what I said.

Mr. Akimichi smiled at me. "I think you'll fit in just fine here." He came over and set his plate down and snatched my hand giving me a firm shake. "I'm Choza. Welcome to my home Natasha." He said and sat down next to me to eat. HIs wife came over and sat next to him.

I have no idea what just happened where he changed so quickly toward me. I feel so lost and just stare at him untill I heard a chuckle from the door way. I look over to see Choji leaning against the door frame smiling at me.

"Welcome to the family is what he means Natasha." Choji said and it took a second to me to understand but when I did I smiled happily.

"Thank you!" I thanked loudly and happily to Choji's parents.


Here's another chapter for you guys I hope you enjoy it. I'm a little stuck so I need to reread the story to understand what I'm going to do next so plese be paitent you guys. 





Reunitted: Naruto Shippuden fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora